upm  1.6.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.9.0)
BMA220 Member List

This is the complete list of members for BMA220, including all inherited members.

BMA220(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) (defined in BMA220)BMA220protected
BMA220(int bus, short addr) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
BMA220(int bus) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
BMA220() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
delete() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
enableAxes(boolean xEn, boolean yEn, boolean zEn) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
enableSlopeFilter(boolean filt) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
enableTapFilter(boolean filt) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
finalize() (defined in BMA220)BMA220protected
get_gpioIntr() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getAccelerometer() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getChipID() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getChipRevision() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getCPtr(BMA220 obj) (defined in BMA220)BMA220protectedstatic
getInterruptEnables1() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getInterruptEnables2() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getInterruptStatus1() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getInterruptStatus2() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
getOrient() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
installISR(int gpio, int level, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void isr, SWIGTYPE_p_void arg) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
installISR(int gpio, int level, java.lang.Runnable runnable) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
readReg(short reg) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
resetInterrupts() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setAccelerometerScale(BMA220.FSL_RANGE_T scale) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setFilterConfig(BMA220.FILTER_CONFIG_T filter) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setHighGDuration(short dur) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setHighGHysteresis(short hyst) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setHighGThreshold(short thresh) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setInterruptEnables1(short bits) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setInterruptEnables2(short bits) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setInterruptLatch(BMA220.CONFIG2_LAT_T lat) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setLowGDuration(short dur) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setLowGHysteresis(short hyst) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setLowGThreshold(short thresh) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setSerialHighBW(boolean high) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setSleepDuration(BMA220.SLEEP_DUR_T dur) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setSlopeDuration(short dur) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setSlopeThreshold(short thresh) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setTapDuration(short dur) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
setTapThreshold(short thresh) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
sleep(boolean enable) (defined in BMA220)BMA220
softReset() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
suspend() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
swigCMemOwn (defined in BMA220)BMA220protected
uninstallISR() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
update() (defined in BMA220)BMA220
writeReg(short reg, short val) (defined in BMA220)BMA220