upm  1.6.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.9.0)
NLGPIO16 Member List

This is the complete list of members for NLGPIO16, including all inherited members.

analogReadValue(int adc) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
analogReadVolts(int adc) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
delete() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
finalize() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16protected
getCPtr(NLGPIO16 obj) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16protectedstatic
getID() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
getVersion() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioClear(int gpio) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioRead(int gpio) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioReadAll() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioSet(int gpio) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioSetIODir(int mask) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioSetIOMask(int mask) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
gpioWriteAll(int mask) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
NLGPIO16(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16protected
NLGPIO16(String uart) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
NLGPIO16() (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
setID(String id) (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16
swigCMemOwn (defined in NLGPIO16)NLGPIO16protected