Source code for pyupm_mma7660

# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
# Version 3.0.8
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.

from sys import version_info
if version_info >= (2, 6, 0):
    def swig_import_helper():
        from os.path import dirname
        import imp
        fp = None
            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_pyupm_mma7660', [dirname(__file__)])
        except ImportError:
            import _pyupm_mma7660
            return _pyupm_mma7660
        if fp is not None:
                _mod = imp.load_module('_pyupm_mma7660', fp, pathname, description)
            return _mod
    _pyupm_mma7660 = swig_import_helper()
    del swig_import_helper
    import _pyupm_mma7660
del version_info
    _swig_property = property
except NameError:
    pass  # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, static=1):
    if (name == "thisown"):
        return self.this.own(value)
    if (name == "this"):
        if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':
            self.__dict__[name] = value
    method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name, None)
    if method:
        return method(self, value)
    if (not static):
        if _newclass:
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
            self.__dict__[name] = value
        raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)

def _swig_setattr(self, class_type, name, value):
    return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, 0)

def _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, static=1):
    if (name == "thisown"):
        return self.this.own()
    method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name, None)
    if method:
        return method(self)
    if (not static):
        return object.__getattr__(self, name)
        raise AttributeError(name)

def _swig_getattr(self, class_type, name):
    return _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, 0)

def _swig_repr(self):
        strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
    except Exception:
        strthis = ""
    return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)

    _object = object
    _newclass = 1
except AttributeError:
    class _object:
    _newclass = 0

def getVersion():
    return _pyupm_mma7660.getVersion()
getVersion = _pyupm_mma7660.getVersion

def new_intp():
    return _pyupm_mma7660.new_intp()
new_intp = _pyupm_mma7660.new_intp

def copy_intp(value):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.copy_intp(value)
copy_intp = _pyupm_mma7660.copy_intp

def delete_intp(obj):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.delete_intp(obj)
delete_intp = _pyupm_mma7660.delete_intp

def intp_assign(obj, value):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.intp_assign(obj, value)
intp_assign = _pyupm_mma7660.intp_assign

def intp_value(obj):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.intp_value(obj)
intp_value = _pyupm_mma7660.intp_value

def new_floatp():
    return _pyupm_mma7660.new_floatp()
new_floatp = _pyupm_mma7660.new_floatp

def copy_floatp(value):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.copy_floatp(value)
copy_floatp = _pyupm_mma7660.copy_floatp

def delete_floatp(obj):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.delete_floatp(obj)
delete_floatp = _pyupm_mma7660.delete_floatp

def floatp_assign(obj, value):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.floatp_assign(obj, value)
floatp_assign = _pyupm_mma7660.floatp_assign

def floatp_value(obj):
    return _pyupm_mma7660.floatp_value(obj)
floatp_value = _pyupm_mma7660.floatp_value

MMA7660_DEFAULT_I2C_BUS = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_DEFAULT_I2C_BUS

MMA7660_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR

MMA7660_REG_XOUT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_XOUT

MMA7660_REG_YOUT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_YOUT

MMA7660_REG_ZOUT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_ZOUT

MMA7660_REG_TILT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_TILT

MMA7660_REG_SRST = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_SRST

MMA7660_REG_SPCNT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_SPCNT

MMA7660_REG_INTSU = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_INTSU

MMA7660_REG_MODE = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_MODE

MMA7660_REG_SR = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_SR

MMA7660_REG_PDET = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_PDET

MMA7660_REG_PD = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_REG_PD

MMA7660_INTR_NONE = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_NONE

MMA7660_INTR_FBINT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_FBINT

MMA7660_INTR_PLINT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_PLINT

MMA7660_INTR_PDINT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_PDINT

MMA7660_INTR_ASINT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_ASINT

MMA7660_INTR_GINT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_GINT

MMA7660_INTR_SHINTZ = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_SHINTZ

MMA7660_INTR_SHINTY = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_SHINTY

MMA7660_INTR_SHINTX = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_INTR_SHINTX

MMA7660_MODE_MODE = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_MODE

MMA7660_MODE_TON = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_TON

MMA7660_MODE_AWE = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_AWE

MMA7660_MODE_ASE = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_ASE

MMA7660_MODE_SCPS = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_SCPS

MMA7660_MODE_IPP = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_IPP

MMA7660_MODE_IAH = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_MODE_IAH

MMA7660_BF_UNKNOWN = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_BF_UNKNOWN

MMA7660_BF_LYING_FRONT = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_BF_LYING_FRONT

MMA7660_BF_LYING_BACK = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_BF_LYING_BACK

MMA7660_LP_UNKNOWN = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_LP_UNKNOWN



MMA7660_LP_VERT_DOWN = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_LP_VERT_DOWN

MMA7660_LP_VERT_UP = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_LP_VERT_UP

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_120 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_120

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_64 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_64

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_32 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_32

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_16 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_16

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_8 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_8

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_4 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_4

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_2 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_2

MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_1 = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_1
[docs]class MMA7660(_object): """ API for the MMA7660 I2C 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer. ID: mma7660 Name: I2C 3-axis Digital Accelerometer (1.5g) Other Names: Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (1.5g) Category: accelerometer Manufacturer: seeed Connection: i2c gpio Link: accelerometers/1.5g-low-g-digital-accelerometer:MMA7660FC UPM module for the MMA7660 I2C 3-axis digital accelerometer. This device supports a variety of capabilities, including the generation of interrupts for various conditions, tilt and basic gesture detection, and X/Y/Z-axis measurements of g-forces being applied (up to 1.5g) This module was tested with the Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (1.5g) C++ includes: mma7660.hpp """ __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MMA7660, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MMA7660, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, bus, address=0x4c): """ MMA7660(int bus, uint8_t address=MMA7660_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR) MMA7660 constructor Parameters: ----------- bus: I2C bus to use address: Address for this sensor; default is 0x55 """ this = _pyupm_mma7660.new_MMA7660(bus, address) try: self.this.append(this) except Exception: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_mma7660.delete_MMA7660 __del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def writeByte(self, reg, byte): """ bool writeByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t byte) Writes a byte value into a register Parameters: ----------- reg: Register location to write into byte: Byte to write True if successful """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_writeByte(self, reg, byte)
[docs] def readByte(self, reg): """ uint8_t readByte(uint8_t reg) Reads a byte value from a register Parameters: ----------- reg: Register location to read from Value in a specified register """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_readByte(self, reg)
[docs] def getVerifiedAxis(self, axis): """ int getVerifiedAxis(MMA7660_REG_T axis) Reads an axis, verifying its validity. The value passed must be one of REG_XOUT, REG_YOUT, or REG_ZOUT. Parameters: ----------- axis: Axis to read Axis value """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_getVerifiedAxis(self, axis)
[docs] def getVerifiedTilt(self): """ uint8_t getVerifiedTilt() Reads the tilt register, verifying its validity Tilt value """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_getVerifiedTilt(self)
[docs] def setModeActive(self): """ void setModeActive() Puts the device in the active mode. In this mode, register writes are not allowed. Place the device in the standby mode before attempting to write registers. """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_setModeActive(self)
[docs] def setModeStandby(self): """ void setModeStandby() Puts the device in the standby (power saving) mode. Note: when in the standby mode, there is no valid data in the registers. In addition, the only way to write a register is to put the device in the standby mode. """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_setModeStandby(self)
[docs] def tiltBackFront(self): """ uint8_t tiltBackFront() Reads tiltBackFront bits The value returned is one of the MMA7660_TILT_BF_T values Bits corresponding to the BackFront tilt status """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_tiltBackFront(self)
[docs] def tiltLandscapePortrait(self): """ uint8_t tiltLandscapePortrait() Reads tiltLandscapePortrait bits The value returned is one of the MMA7660_TILT_LP_T values Bits corresponding to the LandscapePortrait tilt status """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_tiltLandscapePortrait(self)
[docs] def tiltTap(self): """ bool tiltTap() Reads the tiltTap status True if a tap is detected """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_tiltTap(self)
[docs] def tiltShake(self): """ bool tiltShake() Reads the tiltShake status True if a shake is detected """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_tiltShake(self)
[docs] def uninstallISR(self): """ void uninstallISR() Uninstalls the previously installed ISR """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_uninstallISR(self)
[docs] def setInterruptBits(self, ibits): """ bool setInterruptBits(uint8_t ibits) Enables interrupt generation based on passed interrupt bits. The bits are a bitmask of the requested MMA7660_INTR_T values. Note: the device must be in the standby mode to set this register. Parameters: ----------- ibits: Sets the requested interrupt bits True if successful """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_setInterruptBits(self, ibits)
[docs] def setSampleRate(self, sr): """ bool setSampleRate(MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_T sr) Sets the sampling rate of the sensor. The value supplied must be one of the MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_T values. Parameters: ----------- sr: One of the MMA7660_AUTOSLEEP_T values True if successful """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_setSampleRate(self, sr)
[docs] def getAcceleration(self, *args): """ std::vector<float> getAcceleration() Reads the current acceleration values. The returned memory is statically allocated and will be overwritten on each call. std::vector containing x, y, z. """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_getAcceleration(self, *args)
[docs] def getRawValues(self, *args): """ std::vector<int> getRawValues() Reads the current value of conversion. The returned memory is statically allocated and will be overwritten on each call. std::vector containing x, y, z. """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_getRawValues(self, *args)
[docs] def installISR(self, pin, isr, arg): """ void installISR(int pin, void(*isr)(void *), void *arg) Installs an interrupt service routine (ISR) to be called when an interrupt occurs Parameters: ----------- pin: GPIO pin to use as the interrupt pin isr: Pointer to a function to be called on interrupt arg: Pointer to an object to be supplied as an argument to the ISR. """ return _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_installISR(self, pin, isr, arg)
MMA7660_swigregister = _pyupm_mma7660.MMA7660_swigregister MMA7660_swigregister(MMA7660) # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.