pyupm_grovescam module

class pyupm_grovescam.GROVESCAM(uart, camAddr=0)[source]

Bases: object

API for the Grove Serial Camera.

Deprecated This class is being replaced by SCAM

ID: grovescam

Name: Serial Camera Module

Category: other

Manufacturer: seeed

Connection: uart

Link: The driver was tested with the Grove Serial Camera. There is no protocol documentation currently available, so this module was developed based completely on the Seeed Studio* Arduino* sketch.

It is connected via a UART at 115,200 baud.

C++ includes: grovescam.hpp


bool dataAvailable(unsigned int millis)

Checks to see if there is data available for reading

millis: Number of milliseconds to wait; 0 means no waiting.

True if there is data available for reading


bool doCapture()

Starts the capture

True if successful


void drainInput()

Reads serial input and discards until no more characters are available


int getImageSize()

Returns the picture length. Note: this is only valid after doCapture() has run successfully.

Image length


bool init()

Initializes the camera


bool preCapture(PIC_FORMATS_T fmt=FORMAT_VGA)

Tells the camera to prepare for a capture

fmt: One of the PIC_FORMATS_T values

readData(buffer, len)[source]

int readData(uint8_t *buffer, int len)

Reads any available data into a user-supplied buffer. Note: the call blocks until data is available to be read. Use dataAvailable() to determine whether there is data available beforehand, to avoid blocking.

buffer: Buffer to hold the data read

len: Length of the buffer

Number of bytes read


bool setupTty(speed_t baud=B115200)

Sets up proper tty I/O modes and the baud rate. For this device, the default baud rate is 9,600 (B9600).

baud: Desired baud rate

True if successful


bool storeImage(const char *fname)

Stores the captured image in a file

fname: Name of the file to write

True if successful

let the games begin…

writeData(buffer, len)[source]

int writeData(uint8_t *buffer, int len)

Writes the data in the buffer to the device

buffer: Buffer to hold the data read

len: Length of the buffer

Number of bytes written