pyupm_ttp223 module

class pyupm_ttp223.TTP223(pin)[source]

Bases: object

API for the TTP223 Touch Sensor.

ID: ttp223

Name: Capacitive Touch Sensor

Other Names: Grove Touch Sensor

Category: touch

Manufacturer: seeed


Connection: gpio This touch sensor detects when a finger is near the metallic pad by the change in capacitance. It can replace a more traditional push button. The touch sensor can still function when placed under a non- metallic surface like glass or plastic.

C++ includes: ttp223.hpp

installISR(level, isr, arg)[source]

void installISR(mraa::Edge level, void(*isr)(void *), void *arg)

Installs an interrupt service routine (ISR) to be called when the button is activated or deactivated.

isr: Pointer to a function to be called on interrupt

arg: Pointer to an object to be supplied as an argument to the ISR.


bool isPressed()

Determines whether the touch sensor is being touched

True if touched, false otherwise


std::string name()

Returns the name of this sensor

Name of this sensor


void uninstallISR()

Uninstalls the previously installed ISR


int value()

Gets the value from the GPIO pin

Value from the GPIO pin