mraa  2.0.0
Low Level Skeleton Library for Communication on GNU/Linux platforms
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The phyBOARD-Wega for phyCORE-AM335x is a low-cost, feature-rich software development platform supporting the Texas Instruments AM335x microcontroller.

Moreover, due to the numerous standard interfaces the phyBOARD-Wega AM335x can serve as bedrock for your application. At the core of the phyBOARD-Wega is the PCL-051/phyCORE-AM335x System on Module (SOM) in a direct solder form factor, containing the processor, DRAM, NAND Flash, power regulation, supervision, transceivers, and other core functions required to support the AM335x processor. Surrounding the SOM is the PBA-CD-02/phyBOARD-Wega carrier board, adding power input, buttons, connectors, signal breakout, and Ethernet connectivity amongst other things.

There are (for example) some expansion boards available for the phyBOARD-Wega:

For further information and instruction please visit:

Interface notes

SPI Spi0 can be used over pins on X69 connector. There are no more spi-devices. Independent of the given index in mraa_phyboard_spi_init_pre() function, it will be always initialized spi0.

I2C /* TODO */

UART Uart0 can be used over pins on X69 connector or serial port on Evaluation Board. The other Uarts not have been tested yet. This is a small TODO for future.

Pin Assignment of X69 Expansion Connector

Physical Pin Signal Name Type SL Description
1 VCC3V3 OUT 3.3 V 3.3V power supply
2 VCC5V OUT 5.0 V 5V power supply
3 VDIG1_1P8V OUT 1.8 V 1.8V power supply
(max. 300mA)
4 GND - - Ground
5 X_SPIO_CS0 OUT 3.3 V SPI 0 chip select 0
6 X_SPIO_MOSI OUT 3.3 V SPI 0 master output /
slave input
7 X_SPIO_MISO IN 3.3 V SPI 0 master input /
slave output
8 X_SPIO_CLK OUT 3.3 V SPI 0 clock output
9 GND - - Ground
10 X_UART0_RXD IN 3.3 V UART 0 receive data
(std. debug iface)
11 X_I2C0_SDA I/O 3.3 V I2C0 Data
12 X_UART0_TXD OUT 3.3 V UART 0 transmit data
(std. debug iface)
13 X_I2C0_SCL I/O 3.3 V I2C0 Clock
14 GND - - Ground
15 X_JTAG_TMS IN 3.3 V JTAG Chain Test
Mode Select signal
16 X_nJTAG_TRST IN 3.3 V JTAG Chain Test Reset
17 X_JTAG_TDI IN 3.3 V JTAG Chain Test
Data Input
18 X_JTAG_TDO OUT 3.3 V JTAG Chain Test
Data Output
19 GND - - Ground
20 X_JTAG_TCK IN 3.3 V JTAG Chain Test
Clock signal
21 X_USB_DP_EXP I/O 3.3 V USB data plus
(for USB0 or USB1)
22 X_USB_DM_EXP I/O 3.3 V USB data minus
(for USB0 or USB1)
23 nRESET_OUT OUT 3.3 V Reset
24 GND - - Ground
25 X_MMC2_CMD I/O 3.3 V MMC command
26 X_MMC2_DATO I/O 3.3 V MMC data 0
27 X_MMC2_CLK I/O 3.3 V MMC clock
28 X_MMC2_DAT1 I/O 3.3 V MMC data 1
29 GND - - Ground
30 X_MMC2_DAT2 I/O 3.3 V MMC data 2
31 X_UART2_RX_GPIO3_9 I/O 3.3 V UART 2 receive data
or GPIO3_9
32 X_MMC2_DAT3 I/O 3.3 V MMC data 3
33 X_UART2_TX_GPIO3_10 I/O 3.3 V UART 2 transmit data
or GPIO3_10
34 GND - - Ground
35 X_UART3_RX_GPIO2_18 I/O 3.3 V UART 3 receive data
or GPIO2_18
36 X_UART3_TX_GPIO2_19 I/O 3.3 V UART 3 transmit data
or GPIO2_19
37 X_INTR1_GPIO0_20 I/O 3.3 V Interrupt 1 or GPIO0_20
38 X_GPIO0_7 I/O 3.3 V GPIO0_7
39 X_AM335_EXT_WAKEUP IN 3.3 V External wakeup
40 X_INT_RTCn OUT 3.3 V Interrupt from the RTC
41 GND - - Ground
42 X_GPIO3_7_nPMOD_PW I/O 3.3 V GPIO3_7; Caution! Also
RFAIL connected to power fail
signal through R415.
43 nRESET_IN IN 3.3 V Push-button reset
44 X_GPIO1_31 I/O 3.3 V GPIO1_31
45 X_AM335_NMIn IN 3.3 V AM335x
non-maskable interrupt
46 GND - - Ground
47 X_AIN4 IN 1.8 V Analog input 4
48 X_AIN5 IN 1.8 V Analog input 5
49 X_AIN6 IN 1.8 V Analog input 6
50 X_AIN7 IN 1.8 V Analog input 7
51 GND - - Ground
53 X_USB_ID_EXP IN 1.8 V USB port identification
(for USB0 or USB1)
54 USB_VBUS_EXP OUT 5.0 V USB bus voltage
(for USB0 or USB1)
55 X_USB1_CE OUT 3.3 V USB 1 charger enable
56 GND - - Ground
57 VCC_BL OUT NS Backlight power supply
58 X_BP_POWER IN 5.0 V Power On for Power
Management IC for AM335x
59 GND - - Ground
60 VCC5V_IN IN 5.0 V 5 V input supply voltage

Pin Assignment of X70 A/V Connector

Physical Pin Signal Name Type SL Description
1 GND - - Ground
2 X_LCD_D21 OUT 3.3 V LCD D21
3 X_LCD_D18 OUT 3.3 V LCD D18
4 X_LCD_D16 OUT 3.3 V LCD D16
5 X_LCD_D0 OUT 3.3 V LCD D0
6 GND - - Ground
7 X_LCD_D1 OUT 3.3 V LCD D1
8 X_LCD_D2 OUT 3.3 V LCD D2
9 X_LCD_D3 OUT 3.3 V LCD D3
10 X_LCD_D4 OUT 3.3 V LCD D4
11 GND - - Ground
12 X_LCD_D22 OUT 3.3 V LCD D22
13 X_LCD_D19 OUT 3.3 V LCD D19
14 X_LCD_D5 OUT 3.3 V LCD D5
15 X_LCD_D6 OUT 3.3 V LCD D6
16 GND - - Ground
17 X_LCD_D7 OUT 3.3 V LCD D7
18 X_LCD_D8 OUT 3.3 V LCD D8
19 X_LCD_D9 OUT 3.3 V LCD D9
20 X_LCD_D10 OUT 3.3 V LCD D10
21 GND - - Ground
22 X_LCD_D23 OUT 3.3 V LCD D23
23 X_LCD_D20 OUT 3.3 V LCD D20
24 X_LCD_D17 OUT 3.3 V LCD D17
25 X_LCD_D11 OUT 3.3 V LCD D11
26 GND - - Ground
27 X_LCD_D12 OUT 3.3 V LCD D12
28 X_LCD_D13 OUT 3.3 V LCD D13
29 X_LCD_D14 OUT 3.3 V LCD D14
30 X_LCD_D15 OUT 3.3 V LCD D15
31 GND - - Ground
32 X_LCD_PCLK OUT 3.3 V LCD Pixel Clock
34 X_LCD_HSYNC OUT 3.3 V LCD Horizontal
35 X_LCD_VSYNC OUT 3.3 V LCD Vertical
36 GND - - Ground
37 GND - - Ground
38 X_PWM1_OUT OUT 3.3 V Pulse Width Modulation
39 VCC_BL OUT NS Backlight power supply
40 VCC5V OUT 5.0 V 5 V power supply

Pin Assignment of X71 A/V Connector

Physical Pin Signal Name Type SL Description
1 X_I2S_CLK I/O 3.3 V I2S Clock
2 X_I2S_FRM I/O 3.3 V I2S Frame
3 X_I2S_ADC I/O 3.3 V I2S Analog-Digital
converter (microphone)
4 X_I2S_DAC I/O 3.3 V I2S Digital-Analog
converter (speaker)
5 X_AV_INT_GPIO1_30 I/O 3.3 V A/V interrupt; GPIO1_30
6 nUSB1_OC_GPIO3_19 orI/O 3.3 V GPIO3_19 or McASP0
X_MCASP0_AHCLKX_GPIO3_21high frequency clock
7 GND - - Ground
8 nRESET_OUT OUT 3.3 V Reset
9 TS_X+ IN 1.8 V Touch X+
10 TS_X- IN 1.8 V Touch X-
11 TS_Y+ IN 1.8 V Touch Y+
12 TS_Y- IN 1.8 V Touch Y-
13 VCC3V3 OUT 3.3 V 3.3 V power supply
14 GND - - Ground
15 X_I2C0_SCL I/O 3.3 V I2C Clock
16 X_I2C0_SDA I/O 3.3 V I2C Data

Jumper J77 connects either signal X_MCASP0_AHCLKX_GPIO3_21 or signal nUSB1_OC_GPIO3_19 to pin 6 of X71. The following table shows the available configurations:

A/V Jumper configuration J77

J77 Description
2+3 nUSB1_OC_GPIO3_19

Caution: If J77 is set to 2+3 , J78 also has to be set to 2+3 !

GPIO - Pin-mapping (with installed expansion board)

Physical Pin Pin-Name Pin-Map / Sysfs GPIO Def. usage Connector
31 X_GPIO3_9 105 OUT LED3 X69
33 X_GPIO3_10 106 IN S3 X69
35 X_GPIO2_18 82 (busy) OUT LED1 X69
36 X_GPIO2_19 83 OUT LED2 X69
37 X_GPIO0_20 20 (busy) IN S1 X69
38 X_GPIO0_7 7 IN S2 X69
42 X_GPIO3_7 103 IN X69
44 X_GPIO1_31 63 IN X69
5 (105) X_GPIO1_30 62 IN X71
6 (106) X_GPIO3_19 or 115 IN X71
X_GPIO3_21 117 IN X71

Info: (busy) means, that it is used by kernel driver!