TinyB - The Tiny Bluetooth LE library
This is the complete list of members for tinyb::BluetoothManager, including all inherited members.
add_event(std::shared_ptr< BluetoothEvent > &event) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | inline |
BluetoothAdapter (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
BluetoothDevice (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
BluetoothEventManager (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
BluetoothGattCharacteristic (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
BluetoothGattDescriptor (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
BluetoothGattService (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | friend |
class_type() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | inlinestatic |
clone() const | tinyb::BluetoothObject | virtual |
find(std::string *name, std::string *identifier, BluetoothObject *parent, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | inline |
find(BluetoothType type, std::string *name, std::string *identifier, BluetoothObject *parent, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
find(BluetoothType type, std::string *name, std::string *identifier, BluetoothObject *parent, BluetoothCallback cb, bool execute_once=true, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_adapters() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_api_version() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | static |
get_bluetooth_manager() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | static |
get_bluetooth_type() const | tinyb::BluetoothManager | virtual |
get_class_name() const | tinyb::BluetoothManager | virtual |
get_default_adapter() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_devices() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_discovering() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_java_class() const | tinyb::BluetoothManager | virtual |
get_library_version() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | static |
get_object(BluetoothType type, std::string *name, std::string *identifier, BluetoothObject *parent) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_object_path() const | tinyb::BluetoothManager | virtual |
get_objects(BluetoothType type=BluetoothType::NONE, std::string *name=nullptr, std::string *identifier=nullptr, BluetoothObject *parent=nullptr) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
get_services() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
handle_event(BluetoothType type, std::string *name, std::string *identifier, BluetoothObject *parent, BluetoothObject &object) (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | protected |
java_class() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | inlinestatic |
lk (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | protected |
lock() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | inlineprotected |
operator!=(const BluetoothObject &other) const (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | virtual |
operator==(const BluetoothObject &other) const | tinyb::BluetoothObject | virtual |
remove_event(std::shared_ptr< BluetoothEvent > &event) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | inline |
remove_event(BluetoothEvent &event) (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | inline |
set_default_adapter(BluetoothAdapter &adapter) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
start_discovery() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
stop_discovery() | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
unlock() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | inlineprotected |
valid (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | protected |
~BluetoothManager() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothManager) | tinyb::BluetoothManager | |
~BluetoothObject() (defined in tinyb::BluetoothObject) | tinyb::BluetoothObject | inlinevirtual |