# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
# Version 3.0.8
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.
from sys import version_info
if version_info >= (2, 6, 0):
def swig_import_helper():
from os.path import dirname
import imp
fp = None
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_pyupm_gas', [dirname(__file__)])
except ImportError:
import _pyupm_gas
return _pyupm_gas
if fp is not None:
_mod = imp.load_module('_pyupm_gas', fp, pathname, description)
return _mod
_pyupm_gas = swig_import_helper()
del swig_import_helper
import _pyupm_gas
del version_info
_swig_property = property
except NameError:
pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.
def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, static=1):
if (name == "thisown"):
return self.this.own(value)
if (name == "this"):
if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':
self.__dict__[name] = value
method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name, None)
if method:
return method(self, value)
if (not static):
if _newclass:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
self.__dict__[name] = value
raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
def _swig_setattr(self, class_type, name, value):
return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, 0)
def _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, static=1):
if (name == "thisown"):
return self.this.own()
method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name, None)
if method:
return method(self)
if (not static):
return object.__getattr__(self, name)
raise AttributeError(name)
def _swig_getattr(self, class_type, name):
return _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, 0)
def _swig_repr(self):
strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
except Exception:
strthis = ""
return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
_object = object
_newclass = 1
except AttributeError:
class _object:
_newclass = 0
def getVersion():
return _pyupm_gas.getVersion()
getVersion = _pyupm_gas.getVersion
[docs]class uint16Array(_object):
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, uint16Array, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, uint16Array, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, nelements):
this = _pyupm_gas.new_uint16Array(nelements)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_uint16Array
__del__ = lambda self: None
def __getitem__(self, index):
return _pyupm_gas.uint16Array___getitem__(self, index)
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
return _pyupm_gas.uint16Array___setitem__(self, index, value)
[docs] def cast(self):
return _pyupm_gas.uint16Array_cast(self)
__swig_getmethods__["frompointer"] = lambda x: _pyupm_gas.uint16Array_frompointer
if _newclass:
frompointer = staticmethod(_pyupm_gas.uint16Array_frompointer)
uint16Array_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.uint16Array_swigregister
def uint16Array_frompointer(t):
return _pyupm_gas.uint16Array_frompointer(t)
uint16Array_frompointer = _pyupm_gas.uint16Array_frompointer
[docs]class thresholdContext(_object):
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, thresholdContext, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, thresholdContext, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
__swig_setmethods__["averageReading"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averageReading_set
__swig_getmethods__["averageReading"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averageReading_get
if _newclass:
averageReading = _swig_property(_pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averageReading_get, _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averageReading_set)
__swig_setmethods__["runningAverage"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_runningAverage_set
__swig_getmethods__["runningAverage"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_runningAverage_get
if _newclass:
runningAverage = _swig_property(_pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_runningAverage_get, _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_runningAverage_set)
__swig_setmethods__["averagedOver"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averagedOver_set
__swig_getmethods__["averagedOver"] = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averagedOver_get
if _newclass:
averagedOver = _swig_property(_pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averagedOver_get, _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_averagedOver_set)
def __init__(self):
this = _pyupm_gas.new_thresholdContext()
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_thresholdContext
__del__ = lambda self: None
thresholdContext_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.thresholdContext_swigregister
[docs]class Gas(_object):
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, Gas, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, Gas, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
Gas(int gasPin)
Instantiates a Gas object
gasPin: Pin where gas is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_Gas(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_Gas
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def getSampledWindow(self, freqMS, numberOfSamples, buffer):
getSampledWindow(unsigned int freqMS, int numberOfSamples, uint16_t
Gets samples from the gas sensor according to the provided window and
number of samples
freqMS: Time between each sample (in milliseconds)
numberOfSamples: Number of sample to sample for this window
buffer: Buffer with sampled data
return _pyupm_gas.Gas_getSampledWindow(self, freqMS, numberOfSamples, buffer)
[docs] def findThreshold(self, ctx, threshold, buffer, len):
findThreshold(thresholdContext *ctx, unsigned int threshold, uint16_t
*buffer, int len)
Given the sampled buffer, this method returns TRUE/FALSE if the
threshold is reached
ctx: Threshold context
threshold: Sample threshold
buffer: Buffer with samples
len: Buffer length
return _pyupm_gas.Gas_findThreshold(self, ctx, threshold, buffer, len)
[docs] def getSampledData(self, ctx):
getSampledData(thresholdContext *ctx)
Returns average data for the sampled window
ctx: Threshold context
return _pyupm_gas.Gas_getSampledData(self, ctx)
[docs] def getSample(self):
int getSample()
Returns one sample from the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.Gas_getSample(self)
[docs] def printGraph(self, ctx, resolution):
printGraph(thresholdContext *ctx, uint8_t resolution)
Prints a running average of the threshold context
ctx: Threshold context
return _pyupm_gas.Gas_printGraph(self, ctx, resolution)
Gas_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.Gas_swigregister
[docs]class MQ2(Gas):
API for the MQ2 Gas Sensor.
ID: mq2
Name: MQ2 Methane, Butane, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Smoke
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: seeed
Connection: analog
Kit: hak
Link:http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Gas_Sensor-MQ2/ The MQ2 Gas Sensor
module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It
can detect LPG, i-butane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen, smoke, and other
combustible gases. It's a medium-sensitivity sensor with a detection
range of 300-10,000 ppm.
C++ includes: mq2.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ2, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ2, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ2(int gasPin)
MQ2 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ2(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ2
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ2_name(self)
MQ2_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ2_swigregister
[docs]class MQ3(Gas):
API for the MQ3 Gas Sensor.
ID: mq3
Name: MQ3 Alcohol, Ethanol, Smoke Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: seeed
Connection: analog
Link:http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Gas_Sensor-MQ3/ The MQ3 Gas Sensor
module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It
can detect alcohol vapors and benzine. It's highly sensitive but has a
long warm-up time of about 1 minute. It's detection range is 0.04-4
mg/L Alcohol.
C++ includes: mq3.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ3, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ3, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ3(int gasPin)
MQ3 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ3(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ3
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ3_name(self)
MQ3_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ3_swigregister
[docs]class MQ4(Gas):
API for the MQ4 Gas Sensor.
ID: mq4
Name: MQ4 Methane and Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: dfrobot
Connection: analog
The MQ4 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting CH4 (Methane), and
natural gas concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of
100-10000 ppm.
For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at
least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.
C++ includes: mq4.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ4, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ4, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ4(int gasPin)
MQ4 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ4(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ4
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ4_name(self)
MQ4_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ4_swigregister
[docs]class MQ5(Gas):
API for the MQ5 Gas Sensor.
ID: mq5
Name: MQ5 Natural Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: seeed
Connection: analog
Kit: eak The MQ5 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage
detection (in home and industry). It can detect LPG, natural gas, town
gas, and so on. It is highly sensitive and has a detection range of
300-10,000 ppm.
C++ includes: mq5.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ5, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ5, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ5(int gasPin)
MQ5 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ5(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ5
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ5_name(self)
MQ5_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ5_swigregister
[docs]class MQ6(Gas):
API for the MQ6 LPG Gas Sensor.
ID: mq6
Name: MQ6 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Butane Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: dfrobot
Connection: analog
The MQ6 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting LPG, iso-butane,
propane, and LNG concentrations in the air. It has a detection range
of 200-10000 ppm.
For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at
least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.
C++ includes: mq6.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ6, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ6, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ6(int gasPin)
MQ6 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ6(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ6
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ6_name(self)
MQ6_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ6_swigregister
[docs]class MQ7(Gas):
API for the MQ7 CO Gas Sensor.
ID: mq7
Name: MQ7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: dfrobot
Connection: analog
The Grove MQ7 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Carbon
Monoxide (CO) concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of
20-2000 ppm.
For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of 48
hours. See the datasheet for details.
C++ includes: mq7.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ7, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ7, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ7(int gasPin)
MQ7 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ7(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ7
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ7_name(self)
MQ7_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ7_swigregister
[docs]class MQ8(Gas):
API for the MQ8 Hydrogen (H2) Gas Sensor.
ID: mq8
Name: MQ8 Flammable (Hydrogen) Gas Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: dfrobot
Connection: analog
The MQ8 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Hydrogen gas
concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 100-10000 ppm.
For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at
least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.
C++ includes: mq8.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ8, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ8, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ8(int gasPin)
MQ8 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ8(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ8
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ8_name(self)
MQ8_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ8_swigregister
[docs]class MQ9(Gas):
API for the MQ9 Gas Sensor.
ID: mq9
Name: MQ9 Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Flammable Gas Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: seeed
Connection: analog
Link:http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-Gas_Sensor-MQ9/ The Grove MQ9 Gas
Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and
industry). It can detect carbon monoxide, coal gas, and liquefied gas.
Its sensitivity is 10-1,000 ppm CO, and 100-10,000 ppm Gas.
C++ includes: mq9.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MQ9, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MQ9, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
MQ9(int gasPin)
MQ9 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_MQ9(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_MQ9
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.MQ9_name(self)
MQ9_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.MQ9_swigregister
[docs]class TP401(Gas):
API for the TP401 Gas Sensor.
ID: tp401
Name: TP401 Gas Sensor
Other Names: Grove Air Quality Sensor
Category: gaseous
Manufacturer: seeed
Connection: analog
Kit: hak The TP401 Gas Sensor module is useful for monitoring air
purity indoors. It can detect CO and a wide range of other harmful
gases, but, due to a limited detection range, it should be used only
when qualitative results are needed. Example applications are air
recirculation, ventilation systems, and refreshing sprayers. The
sensor is linear and should be roughly sensitive to 0-20 ppm CO from
0-4 V. Note: the sensor requires 2-3 minutes to warm up initially and
48 hours of operation to stabilize completely.
C++ includes: tp401.hpp
__swig_setmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_setmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_setmethods__', {}))
__setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, TP401, name, value)
__swig_getmethods__ = {}
for _s in [Gas]:
__swig_getmethods__.update(getattr(_s, '__swig_getmethods__', {}))
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, TP401, name)
__repr__ = _swig_repr
def __init__(self, gasPin):
TP401(int gasPin)
TP401 constructor
gasPin: Analog pin where the sensor is connected
this = _pyupm_gas.new_TP401(gasPin)
except Exception:
self.this = this
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_gas.delete_TP401
__del__ = lambda self: None
[docs] def name(self):
std::string name()
Returns the name of the sensor
Name of the sensor
return _pyupm_gas.TP401_name(self)
[docs] def getPPM(self):
float getPPM()
Returns one sample in parts per million (ppm) of CO in the air based
on the following sensor calibration: 0-4 V is roughly 0-20 ppm CO
New sample converted to ppm CO
return _pyupm_gas.TP401_getPPM(self)
TP401_swigregister = _pyupm_gas.TP401_swigregister
# This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.