Source code for pyupm_mag3110

# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
# Version 3.0.8
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.

from sys import version_info
if version_info >= (2, 6, 0):
    def swig_import_helper():
        from os.path import dirname
        import imp
        fp = None
            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_pyupm_mag3110', [dirname(__file__)])
        except ImportError:
            import _pyupm_mag3110
            return _pyupm_mag3110
        if fp is not None:
                _mod = imp.load_module('_pyupm_mag3110', fp, pathname, description)
            return _mod
    _pyupm_mag3110 = swig_import_helper()
    del swig_import_helper
    import _pyupm_mag3110
del version_info
    _swig_property = property
except NameError:
    pass  # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, static=1):
    if (name == "thisown"):
        return self.this.own(value)
    if (name == "this"):
        if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':
            self.__dict__[name] = value
    method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name, None)
    if method:
        return method(self, value)
    if (not static):
        if _newclass:
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
            self.__dict__[name] = value
        raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)

def _swig_setattr(self, class_type, name, value):
    return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, 0)

def _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, static=1):
    if (name == "thisown"):
        return self.this.own()
    method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name, None)
    if method:
        return method(self)
    if (not static):
        return object.__getattr__(self, name)
        raise AttributeError(name)

def _swig_getattr(self, class_type, name):
    return _swig_getattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, 0)

def _swig_repr(self):
        strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
    except Exception:
        strthis = ""
    return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)

    _object = object
    _newclass = 1
except AttributeError:
    class _object:
    _newclass = 0

def getVersion():
    return _pyupm_mag3110.getVersion()
getVersion = _pyupm_mag3110.getVersion

MAG3110_NAME = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_NAME

MAG3110_I2C_ADDRESS = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_I2C_ADDRESS

MAG3110_DEVICE_ID = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DEVICE_ID

MAG3110_DEVICE_ID_REG = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DEVICE_ID_REG

MAG3110_DR_STATUS = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS

MAG3110_OUT_X_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_X_MSB

MAG3110_OUT_X_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_X_LSB

MAG3110_OUT_Y_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_Y_MSB

MAG3110_OUT_Y_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_Y_LSB

MAG3110_OUT_Z_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_Z_MSB

MAG3110_OUT_Z_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OUT_Z_LSB

MAG3110_SYSMOD = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_SYSMOD

MAG3110_OFF_X_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_X_MSB

MAG3110_OFF_X_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_X_LSB

MAG3110_OFF_Y_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_Y_MSB

MAG3110_OFF_Y_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_Y_LSB

MAG3110_OFF_Z_MSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_Z_MSB

MAG3110_OFF_Z_LSB = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_OFF_Z_LSB

MAG3110_DIE_TEMP = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DIE_TEMP

MAG3110_CTRL_REG1 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG1

MAG3110_CTRL_REG2 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG2

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZYXOW = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZYXOW

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZOW = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZOW

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_YOW = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_YOW

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_XOW = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_XOW

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZYXDR = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZYXDR

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZDR = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_ZDR

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_YDR = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_YDR

MAG3110_DR_STATUS_XDR = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DR_STATUS_XDR



MAG3110_SYSMOD_ACTIVE = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_SYSMOD_ACTIVE


MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_DROS_MASK = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_DROS_MASK

MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_FR = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_FR

MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_TM = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_TM

MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_AC = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG1_AC


MAG3110_CTRL_REG2_RAW = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG2_RAW

MAG3110_CTRL_REG2_MAG_RST = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_CTRL_REG2_MAG_RST

MAG3110_DROS_8000_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_8000_16

MAG3110_DROS_4000_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_4000_32

MAG3110_DROS_2000_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_2000_64

MAG3110_DROS_1000_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_1000_128

MAG3110_DROS_4000_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_4000_16

MAG3110_DROS_2000_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_2000_32

MAG3110_DROS_1000_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_1000_64

MAG3110_DROS_0500_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0500_128

MAG3110_DROS_2000_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_2000_16

MAG3110_DROS_1000_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_1000_32

MAG3110_DROS_0500_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0500_64

MAG3110_DROS_0250_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0250_128

MAG3110_DROS_1000_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_1000_16

MAG3110_DROS_0500_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0500_32

MAG3110_DROS_0250_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0250_64

MAG3110_DROS_0125_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0125_128

MAG3110_DROS_0500_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0500_16

MAG3110_DROS_0250_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0250_32

MAG3110_DROS_0125_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0125_64

MAG3110_DROS_0063_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0063_128

MAG3110_DROS_0250_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0250_16

MAG3110_DROS_0125_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0125_32

MAG3110_DROS_0063_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0063_64

MAG3110_DROS_0031_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0031_128

MAG3110_DROS_0125_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0125_16

MAG3110_DROS_0063_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0063_32

MAG3110_DROS_0031_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0031_64

MAG3110_DROS_0016_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0016_128

MAG3110_DROS_0063_16 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0063_16

MAG3110_DROS_0031_32 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0031_32

MAG3110_DROS_0016_64 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0016_64

MAG3110_DROS_0008_128 = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_0008_128

MAG3110_DROS_DEFAULT = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_DROS_DEFAULT
[docs]class mag3110_data_t(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, mag3110_data_t, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, mag3110_data_t, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["x"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_x_set __swig_getmethods__["x"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_x_get if _newclass: x = _swig_property(_pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_x_get, _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_x_set) __swig_setmethods__["y"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_y_set __swig_getmethods__["y"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_y_get if _newclass: y = _swig_property(_pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_y_get, _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_y_set) __swig_setmethods__["z"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_z_set __swig_getmethods__["z"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_z_get if _newclass: z = _swig_property(_pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_z_get, _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_z_set) __swig_setmethods__["status"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_status_set __swig_getmethods__["status"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_status_get if _newclass: status = _swig_property(_pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_status_get, _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_status_set) __swig_setmethods__["dtemp"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_dtemp_set __swig_getmethods__["dtemp"] = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_dtemp_get if _newclass: dtemp = _swig_property(_pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_dtemp_get, _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_dtemp_set) def __init__(self): this = _pyupm_mag3110.new_mag3110_data_t() try: self.this.append(this) except Exception: self.this = this __swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_mag3110.delete_mag3110_data_t __del__ = lambda self: None
mag3110_data_t_swigregister = _pyupm_mag3110.mag3110_data_t_swigregister mag3110_data_t_swigregister(mag3110_data_t)
[docs]class MAG3110(_object): """ API for the MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer. ID: mag3110 Name: MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer Category: accelerometer compass Manufacturer: freescale Link: sheets/MAG3110.pdf Connection: i2c Description in web-link above: The MAG3110 is a small, low-power digital 3D magnetic sensor with a wide dynamic range to allow operation in PCBs with high extraneous magnetic fields. It measures the components of the local magnetic field, the sum of the geomagnetic field and the magnetic field created by components on the circuit board. It can be used in conjunction with a 3-axis accelerometer so that orientation-independent accurate compass heading information may be achieved It is capable of measuring local magnetic fields up to 10 Gauss with output data rates up to 80 Hz. C++ includes: mag3110.hpp """ __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, MAG3110, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, MAG3110, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, bus, dros=15, devAddr=0x0E): """ MAG3110(int bus, uint8_t dros=MAG3110_DROS_DEFAULT, int devAddr=MAG3110_I2C_ADDRESS) Instantiates an MAG3110 object Parameters: ----------- bus: Number of the used bus dros: Data rate and over sampling selection devAddr: Address of the used I2C device """ this = _pyupm_mag3110.new_MAG3110(bus, dros, devAddr) try: self.this.append(this) except Exception: self.this = this
[docs] def checkID(self): """ int checkID(void) Check device_id of sensor 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_checkID(self)
[docs] def setUserOffset(self, x, y, z): """ int setUserOffset(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z) Set user offset correction Offset correction register will be erased after accelerometer reset Parameters: ----------- x: Offset correction value for x-axis y: Offset correction value for y-axis z: Offset correction value for z-axis 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_setUserOffset(self, x, y, z)
[docs] def setActive(self): """ int setActive(void) Set active mode, this enables periodic measurements 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_setActive(self)
[docs] def setStandby(self): """ int setStandby(void) Set standby mode, this disables periodic measurements 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_setStandby(self)
[docs] def isReady(self): """ int isReady(void) Check for new set of measurement data. >0 if x-, y- and z-axis new sample is ready 0 if measurement is in progress """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_isReady(self)
[docs] def sampleData(self): """ int sampleData(void) Read magnetometer's data and saves them to variables Info: To get the actual values for the magnetic field someone has to divide the returned values from the magnetometer by 10 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_sampleData(self)
[docs] def getX(self, bSampleData=0): """ int16_t getX(int bSampleData=0) Get x-axis magnetic field strength Parameters: ----------- bSampleData: Flag to read sensor The x-axis magnetic field strength on success -999 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getX(self, bSampleData)
[docs] def getY(self, bSampleData=0): """ int16_t getY(int bSampleData=0) Get y-axis magnetic field strength Parameters: ----------- bSampleData: Flag to read sensor The y-axis magnetic field strength on success -999 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getY(self, bSampleData)
[docs] def getZ(self, bSampleData=0): """ int16_t getZ(int bSampleData=0) Get z-axis magnetic field strength Parameters: ----------- bSampleData: Flag to read sensor The z-axis magnetic field strength on success -999 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getZ(self, bSampleData)
[docs] def getStatus(self): """ uint8_t getStatus(void) Get value of status register Value of status register """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getStatus(self)
[docs] def getDieTemperature(self): """ int8_t getDieTemperature(void) Get die temperature Die temperature """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getDieTemperature(self)
[docs] def getData(self, data, bSampleData=0): """ int getData(mag3110_data_t *data, int bSampleData=0) Get sensor values Parameters: ----------- data: Sensor values bSampleData: Flag to read sensor 0 on success -1 on error """ return _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_getData(self, data, bSampleData)
__swig_destroy__ = _pyupm_mag3110.delete_MAG3110 __del__ = lambda self: None
MAG3110_swigregister = _pyupm_mag3110.MAG3110_swigregister MAG3110_swigregister(MAG3110) # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.