pyupm_ad8232 module

class pyupm_ad8232.AD8232(loPlus, loMinus, output, aref=3.3)[source]

Bases: object

UPM module for the AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor.

ID: ad8232

Name: Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor

Category: medical

Manufacturer: sparkfun


Connection: gpio analog Note: this sensor must be driven at 3.3V only.

This module simply spits out the ADC values reported by the sensor, with the intent to send that data, via serial or network port, somewhere to another piece of software running on a computer that plots the data for you, like an EKG.

Processing ( is software that should work, using information from the SparkFun* website.

This example just dumps the raw data:

AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor image provided by SparkFun underCC BY-NC- SA-3.0.

C++ includes: ad8232.hpp


int value()

Returns the current ADC value for the device output pin. If an LO (leads off) event is detected, 0 is returned.

ADC value