upm  1.6.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.9.0)
BMG160 Member List

This is the complete list of members for BMG160, including all inherited members.

BMG160(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) (defined in BMG160)BMG160protected
BMG160(int bus, int addr, int cs) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
BMG160(int bus, int addr) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
BMG160(int bus) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
BMG160() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
clearInterruptLatches() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
delete() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
enableFIFO(boolean useFIFO) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
enableOutputFiltering(boolean filter) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
enableRegisterShadowing(boolean shadow) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
fifoConfig(BMG160_FIFO_MODE_T mode, BMG160_FIFO_DATA_SEL_T axes) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
fifoSetWatermark(int wm) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
finalize() (defined in BMG160)BMG160protected
getChipID() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getCPtr(BMG160 obj) (defined in BMG160)BMG160protectedstatic
getGyroscope() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptEnable0() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptLatchBehavior() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptMap0() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptMap1() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptOutputControl() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptSrc() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptStatus0() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptStatus1() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptStatus2() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getInterruptStatus3() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getTemperature(boolean fahrenheit) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
getTemperature() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
init(BMG160_POWER_MODE_T pwr, BMG160_RANGE_T range, BMG160_BW_T bw) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
init(BMG160_POWER_MODE_T pwr, BMG160_RANGE_T range) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
init(BMG160_POWER_MODE_T pwr) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
init() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
installISR(BMG160_INTERRUPT_PINS_T intr, int gpio, SWIGTYPE_p_mraa__Edge level, SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void isr, SWIGTYPE_p_void arg) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
installISR(BMG160_INTERRUPT_PINS_T intr, int gpio, SWIGTYPE_p_mraa__Edge level, java.lang.Runnable runnable) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
readReg(short reg) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
readRegs(short reg, SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char buffer, int len) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
reset() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setBandwidth(BMG160_BW_T bw) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptEnable0(short bits) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptLatchBehavior(BMG160_RST_LATCH_T latch) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptMap0(short bits) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptMap1(short bits) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptOutputControl(short bits) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setInterruptSrc(short bits) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setPowerMode(BMG160_POWER_MODE_T power) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
setRange(BMG160_RANGE_T range) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
swigCMemOwn (defined in BMG160)BMG160protected
uninstallISR(BMG160_INTERRUPT_PINS_T intr) (defined in BMG160)BMG160
update() (defined in BMG160)BMG160
writeReg(short reg, short val) (defined in BMG160)BMG160