pyupm_itg3200 module

class pyupm_itg3200.Itg3200(bus)[source]

Bases: object

API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope.

ID: itg3200

Name: 3-axis Digital Gyroscope

Other Names: Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope

Category: compass

Manufacturer: seeed

Connection: i2c

Link: InvenSense* ITG-3200 is a 3-axis digital gyroscope. ( ITG-3200-00-01.4.pdf) This sensor has been tested and can run at either 3.3V or 5V on Intel(R) Galileo. However, it is incompatible with and not detected on the I2C bus by Intel(R) Edison using the Arduino* breakout board.

C++ includes: itg3200.hpp


void calibrate()

Calibrates the sensor to 0 on all axes. The sensor needs to be resting for accurate calibration. It takes about 3 seconds and is also called by the constructor on object creation.


int16_t getRawTemp()

Returns an int that contains the raw register value for the temperature

int Raw temperature


int16_t * getRawValues()

Returns a pointer to an int[3] that contains raw register values for X, Y, and Z

int* to an int[3]


float * getRotation()

Returns a pointer to a float[3] that contains computed rotational speeds (angular velocities)

float* to a float[3]


float getTemperature()

Returns the temperature reading, in Celsius, from the integrated temperature sensor

float Temperature in Celsius


mraa::Result update()

Updates the rotational values and temperature by reading from the I2C bus

0 if successful

class pyupm_itg3200.floatArray(nelements)[source]

Bases: object

static frompointer()
class pyupm_itg3200.int16Array(nelements)[source]

Bases: object

static frompointer()