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Public Member Functions
RGBRingCoder Class Reference

API for the SparkFun* RGB RingCoder. More...

Detailed Description

RGB RingCoder is a breakout board, a circular LED containing 16 LEDs arranged in a ring, and a rotary encoder. The encoder contains an RGB LED as well as a push button function.

The device requires 11 pins, 3 of which must be PWM-capable (for the RGB LEDs).

// There are a lot of pins to hook up. These pins are valid for the
// Edison board, but may need to be adjusted for other platforms.
// In order:
// enable - 4
// latch - 10
// clear - 11
// clock - 2
// data - 9
// switch - 7
// red pwm - 3
// green pwm - 5
// blue pwm - 6
// encA - 12
// encB - 13
upm::RGBRingCoder *ringCoder =
new upm::RGBRingCoder(4, 10, 11, 2, 9, 7, 12, 13, 3, 5, 6);
uint16_t spin = 0x0001;
bool oldState = false;
int oldPos = 0;
// Lets go green
ringCoder->setRGBLED(0.99, 0.01, 0.99);
while (shouldRun)
// you spin me round...
if (spin == 0)
spin = 0x0001;
spin <<= 1;
// check button state
bool bstate = ringCoder->getButtonState();
if (bstate != oldState)
cout << "Button state changed from " << oldState << " to "
<< bstate << endl;
oldState = bstate;
// check encoder position
int epos = ringCoder->getEncoderPosition();
if (epos != oldPos)
cout << "Encoder position changed from " << oldPos << " to "
<< epos << endl;
oldPos = epos;

Public Member Functions

 RGBRingCoder (int en, int latch, int clear, int clk, int dat, int sw, int encA, int encB, int red, int green, int blue)
 ~RGBRingCoder ()
void setRingLEDS (uint16_t bits)
bool getButtonState ()
int getEncoderPosition ()
void clearEncoderPosition ()
void setRGBLED (float r, float g, float b)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RGBRingCoder ( int  en,
int  latch,
int  clear,
int  clk,
int  dat,
int  sw,
int  encA,
int  encB,
int  red,
int  green,
int  blue 

RGBRingCoder constructor

enEnables GPIO
latchLatch GPIO
clearClears GPIO
clkClock GPIO
datData out GPIO
swPush button switch GPIO
encAEncoder A GPIO
encBEncoder B GPIO
redRGB red LED PWM
greenRGB green LED PWM
blueRGB blue LED PWM

RGBRingCoder destructor

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