upm  1.5.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.8.0)
Building UPM

UPM uses cmake in order to make compilation relatively painless. Cmake runs build out of tree so the recommended way is to clone from git and make a build/ directory.


This project depends on libmraa, so that needs to be installed first. Append the install location of mraa pkgconfig to the following environment variable:

1 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:.../mraa/build/lib/pkgconfig

If you are building the Java or Node.js bindings make sure you set the JAVA_HOME and NODE_PATH environment variables respectively.

UPM will attempt to build all directories inside src/ and they must contain individual CMakeLists.txt files.

1 mkdir build
2 cd build
3 cmake ..
4 make
5 make install

The last command will create the include/ and lib/ directories with a copy of the headers and library objects respectively in your build location. Note that doing an out-of-source build may cause issues when rebuilding later on. In many cases you'll need elevated permissions to install:

1 sudo make install

Our cmake configure has a number of options, cmake-gui or ccmake can show you all the options. The interesting ones are detailed below:

Changing install path from /usr/local to /usr


Building debug build:


Using clang instead of gcc:

1 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++

Cross-compiling on a different system:

1 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586
2 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586

Enabling Java module building


Building with an older version of swig (swig 2.0+) requires the disabling of javascript:


Disabling python module building


Setting the python library to use:

1 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0

Building documentation


Build C/C++/JAVA examples


If you intend to turn on all the options and build everything at once (C++, Java, Node, Python and Documentation) you will have to edit the src/doxy2swig.py file and change the line endings from Windows style to Linux format. This has to be repeated every time to sync with the master branch since our Github repository stores files using CR LF line breaks.

You can also generate the include and lib directories containing all the sensor headers and library files respectively with make install. Further, you may choose to generate these only for a specific sensor you modified, and this can be achieved by building from the individual makefile of the sensor. Assuming you're in the build directory, to make the lcd module you would:

1 cd src/lcd
2 make install

Often developers are only interested in building one module or even just the python/node module to do some quick testing using scripting. In order to do this you need to use the target name for the python or node module you want to rebuild. For example the lcd module target name is i2clcd. Therefore the python module target name will be prefixed by pyupm. Just do the following to build only that module. Modules not using the UPM cmake macros may have different naming.

1 make _pyupm_i2clcd

Sometimes you want to build a small C++ example against an installed library. This is fairly easy if installed system-wide. Just link against the correct library (in this case libupm-i2clcd) and then add /usr/include/upm to the loader path:

1 g++ test.cxx -lupm-i2clcd -I/usr/include/upm

You can also use pkg-config to return the information to you, which is considered the correct way if including UPM in a build system like cmake or autotools on linux.

1 pkg-config --cflags --libs upm-i2clcd

Building with Docker

You can use docker and docker-compose to generate a complete build environment for upm without having to install any other tool.


NOTE: docker-compose is an optional requirement. It actually make running complex docker build and run command easier. But you can just use docker to build and run.

Using Docker Images to build Upm

tl;dr: Just use this commands to build upm:

1 # Build upm documentation
2 $ docker-compose run doc
3 # Build upm python2 and python3 packages and run python tests
4 $ docker-compose run python
5 # Build upm java package and run java tests
6 $ docker-compose run java
7 # Build upm node4 package and run node tests
8 $ docker-compose run node4
9 # Build upm node5 package and run node tests
10 $ docker-compose run node5
11 # Build upm node6 package and run node tests
12 $ docker-compose run node6
13 # Build upm for android things package
14 $ docker-compose run android

docker-compose will take a look at the docker-compose.yaml file in the repository root directory, and run an specific command to build upm for the requested target. Once the build is completed, you will have a build/ folder in the repository root with all the compiled code. This build/ folder is created by using a docker volume. The build\ folder contents is reused each time you execute docker-compose run [TARGET]. To know more about volumes in Docker, visit the Docker Volume Documentation.

You can also start an interactive session inside the docker container if you need to run some custom build commands:

1 # Start an interactive bash shell inside the container
2 $ docker-compose run python bash
3 # From now, all the commands are executed inside the container
4 $ cd build && cmake -DBUILDSWIGPYTHON=ON .. && make clean all

If you don't want to use docker-compose, you can also use docker run to build upm. For example, to build upm for python, you can do:

1 # From the repository root folder
2 $ docker run \
3  --volume=$(pwd):/usr/src/app \
7  dnoliver/upm-python \
8  bash -c "./scripts/run-cmake.sh && make -Cbuild"

Proxy considerations

If, for some reason, you are behind a proxy, find below a list of common problems related to proxy settings:

docker cannot pull images from docker.io

Visit this link to configure docker daemon behind a proxy.

docker run fails to access the internet

docker-compose will automatically take http_proxy, https_proxy, and no_proxy environment variables and use it as build arguments. Be sure to properly configure this variables before building.

docker, unlinke docker-compose, do not take the proxy settings from the environment automatically. You need to send them as environment arguments:

1 # From the repository root folder
2 $ docker run \
3  --volume=$(pwd):/usr/src/app \
4  --env BUILDSWIG=ON \
8  --env http_proxy=$http_proxy \
9  --env https_proxy=$https_proxy \
10  --env no_proxy=$no_proxy \
11  dnoliver/upm-python \
12  bash -c "./scripts/run-cmake.sh && make -Cbuild"