►Nandroid | |
►NTL | |
CIndexOf | |
CIndexOf< NullType, T > | |
CIndexOf< TypeList< Head, Tail >, T > | |
CIndexOf< TypeList< T, Tail >, T > | |
►Cmat | |
Ccolumn_builder | |
Cmat< TYPE, 1, R > | |
CNullType | |
CSelect | |
CSelect< false, T, U > | |
CTypeList | |
CTypeTraits | |
Cvbase | |
Cvbase< float, 2 > | |
Cvbase< float, 3 > | |
Cvbase< float, 4 > | |
Cvec | |
►Nupm | |
►Nt6713_co2 | |
CA110X | API for the A110X Hall Effect sensors |
CABP | API for the ABP Honeywell Pressure Sensor |
CaccelData | |
CAD8232 | UPM module for the AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor |
CAdafruitMS1438 | API for the AdafruitMS1438 Motor Shield |
Cadafruitss | API for the Adafruit Servo Shield |
CADC121C021 | API for the ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter |
CADIS16448 | API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer |
CADS1015 | API for ADS1015 |
CADS1115 | API for ADS1115 |
CADS1X15 | |
CADXL335 | API for the ADXL335 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer |
CAdxl345 | API for the ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer |
CADXRS610 | DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Beakout board |
CAeotecDSB09104 | UPM API for Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen 1 |
CAeotecDW2E | UPM API for Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 2nd Edition |
CAeotecSDG2 | UPM API for Aeotec Smart Dimmer Gen 2 |
CAeotecSS6 | UPM API for Aeotec Smart Switch 6 |
CAK8975 | API for the AK8975 magnetometer |
CAM2315 | API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
CAPA102 | API for controlling APA102/DotStar RGB LED Strips |
CAPDS9002 | UPM module for the APDS-9002 Luminance Sensor |
CAPDS9930 | APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor |
CAT42QT1070 | API for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch Sensor |
►CBACNETUTIL | UPM Utility API for BACnet |
CbinaryData_t | |
CmultiStateData_t | |
CBH1750 | UPM C API for the DFRobot I2C BH1750 Light Sensor |
CBISS0001 | API for the BISS0001 Motion Sensor |
CBMA220 | API for the BMA220 3-axis Accelerometer |
CBMA250E | API for the BMA250E 10 bit Triaxial Accelerometer |
CBMC150 | API for the BMC150 6-axis eCompass |
CBME280 | API for the BME280 Digital Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature Sensor |
CBMG160 | API for the BMG160 16 bit Triaxial Gyroscope |
CBMI055 | API for the BMI055 6-axis Sensor Module |
CBMI160 | UPM API for the BMI160 3-axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer |
CBMM150 | API for the BMM150 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor |
CBMP280 | API for the BMP280 Digital Pressure Sensor |
CBMPX8X | API for the GY65/BMP085 and BMP180 Atmospheric Pressure Sensors |
CBMX055 | API for the BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module |
CBNO055 | API for the BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub |
CButton | API for the Button |
CBuzzer | API for the Buzzer component |
CCallback | |
CCJQ4435 | API for the CJQ4435 MOSFET |
CCollision | API for the Collision Sensor |
CCurieImu | API for the Curie IMU via Firmata |
CCWLSXXA | API for the Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor Family |
CDFREC | DFRobot EC Meter |
CDFRORP | API for the DFRobot ORP (Oxidation/Reduction Potential) Sensor |
CDFRPH | API for the DFRobot pH Sensors |
CDS1307 | API for the DS1307 Real-Time CLock |
CDS1808LC | API for DS1808 Dual Log Digital Potentiometer as a Light Controller |
CDS18B20 | API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor |
CDS2413 | API for the DS2413 1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch |
CE50HX | UPM API for the Veris E50HX Energy Meter |
CEBOLED | API for EBOLED spi controlled OLED display |
CECEZO | API for the EC-EZO EC Sensor |
CECS1030 | API for the ECS1030 Non-Invasive Current/Electricity Sensor |
CEHR | API for the Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor |
CElDriver | API for the EL Driver Module |
CElectromagnet | API for the Electromagnet |
CEMG | API for the Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader |
CENC03R | API for the ENC03R Single Axis Analog Gyro |
CES08A | API for the ES08A Servo |
CES9257 | API for the ES9257 Servo |
CFlex | API for the Spectra Symbol Flex Sensor |
CGas | |
CGFX | GFX helper class |
CGP2Y0A | API for the GP2Y0A family of IR Proximity Sensors |
CGPRS | API for the GPRS Module |
CGrove | |
CGroveButton | API for the Grove Button |
CGroveCircularLED | API for the Grove Circular LED module |
CGroveCollision | API for the Grove Collision Sensor |
CGroveEHR | API for the Grove Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor |
CGroveElDriver | API for the Grove EL Driver Module |
CGroveElectromagnet | API for the Grove Electromagnet |
CGroveEMG | API for the Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader |
CGroveGPRS | API for the Grove GPRS Module |
CGroveGSR | API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor |
CGroveLed | API for the Grove LED |
CGroveLEDBar | API for Grove LED Bars base on the MY9221 |
CGroveLight | API for the Grove Light Sensor |
CGroveLineFinder | API for the Grove Line Finder Sensor |
CGroveMD | API for the Grove I2C Motor Driver |
CGroveMoisture | API for the Grove Moisture Sensor |
CGroveO2 | API for the Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor |
CGroveRelay | API for the Grove Relay |
CGroveRotary | API for the Grove Rotary Angle Sensor (Knob) |
CGROVESCAM | API for the Grove Serial Camera |
CGroveSlide | API for the Grove Slide Potentiometer |
CGroveSpeaker | API for the Grove Speaker |
CGroveTemp | API for the Grove Temperature Sensor |
CGroveUltraSonic | API for Grove Ultrasonic Ranger |
CGroveVDiv | API for the Grove Voltage Divider Sensor |
CGroveWater | API for the Grove Water Sensor |
CGroveWFS | API for the Grove Water Flow Sensor |
CGSR | API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor |
CGUVAS12D | API for the GUVA-S12D UV Sensor |
CH3LIS331DL | API for the H3LIS331DL-based Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (400g) |
CH803X | UPM API for the Veris H803X Energy Meter |
CHCSR04 | API for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor |
CHDC1000 | API for the HDC1000 Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
CHDXXVXTA | API for the Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter |
CHKA5 | API for theDFRobot Laser PM2.5 Sensor |
CHLG150H | API for HLG-150H Lighting Power Supply Controller |
CHM11 | API for the HM-11 4.0 Bluetooth Low Energy Module |
CHmc5883l | API for the HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass |
CHMTRP | API for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro transceiver |
CHP20X | API for the HP20X-based Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy) |
CHT9170 | API for the HT9170 DTMF Decoder |
CHTU21D | API for the HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
CHWXPXX | UPM API for the Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor |
CHX711 | API for the HX711 Analog-to-Digital Converter |
CIADC | Interface for ADC Sensors |
CICO2Sensor | Interface for CO Sensor |
CIHumiditySensor | Interface for Humidity Sensors |
CILI9341 | API for the ILI9342 LCd |
CILightController | ILightController Interface for Light Controllers |
CILightSensor | ILightSensor Interface for Light Sensors |
CIModuleStatus | |
CIMS | API for the Catnip Electronics I2C moisture sensor |
CIMUDataItem | |
CINA132 | API for the INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor |
CIPressureSensor | |
CISD1820 | API support for the ISD1820-based Grove Voice Recorder |
CITemperatureSensor | Interface for Temperature Sensors |
CItg3200 | API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope |
CJhd1313m1 | API for the JHD1313M1 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays with an RGB backlight, such as a Grove RGB I2C LCD display |
CJoystick12 | API for the ElecFreaks* Joystick v 1.2-1.4 Breakout |
CKXCJK1013 | KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer API |
CL298 | API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver |
►CL3GD20 | L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope API |
Cfilter_median_t | |
Cgyro_cal_t | |
CLCD | |
CLCDKS | API for the generic LCD Keypad Shield |
CLcm1602 | API for the LCM1602 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays |
CLDT0028 | API for LDT0-028 PZT film-based sensors, such as a Grove Piezo Vibration sensor |
CLed | API for the LED |
CLIDARLITEV3 | API for the LIDARLITEV3 Optical Distance Measurement Sensor |
CLight | API for the Light Sensor |
CLineFinder | API for the Line Finder Sensor |
CLIS2DS12 | API for the LIS2DS12 3-axis Accelerometer |
CLM35 | API for the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor |
CLoL | API for the Olimex LoL array |
CLoudness | API for the Loudness Sensor |
CLP8860 | API for LP8860 LED Lighting Controller |
CLPD8806 | API for the LPD8806 RGB LED Strip Controller |
CLSM303AGR | API for the LSM303AGR 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor |
CLSM303D | API for the LSM303D 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor |
CLSM303DLH | API for the LSM303DLH Accelerometer & Compass |
CLSM6DS3H | API for the LSM6DS3H 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope |
CLSM6DSL | API for the LSM6DSL 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope |
CLSM9DS0 | API for the LSM9DS0 3-axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, and Magnetometer |
CM24LR64E | C++ API for the M24LR64E NFC Tag |
CMAG3110 | API for the MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer |
Cmag3110_data_t | |
CMAX30100 | API for the Pulse oximeter and heart-rate sensor |
CMAX31723 | API for the MAX31723 Temperature Sensor |
CMAX31855 | API for the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier |
CMAX44000 | API for the MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor |
CMAX44009 | C++ API for MAX44009 chip (Ambient Light Sensor) |
CMAX5487 | API for the MAX5487 SPI Digital Potentiometer |
CMAXDS3231M | API for the MAXDS3231M I2C Real-Time Clock |
CMAXSONAREZ | API for the LV-MaxSonar-EZ Family of Ultrasonic Rangers |
CMB704X | API for the MB704x MaxSonar-WR Ultrasonic Ranger |
CMCP2515 | API for the MCP2515 CAN bus controller |
CMCP9808 | API for MCP9808 precision temprature sensor |
CMD | API for the I2C Motor Driver |
CMG811 | API for the DFRobot CO2 Sensor |
CMHZ16 | API support for the Grove CO2 sensor |
CMicrophone | API for the Analog Microphone |
CMICSV89 | API for the MICS-VZ89 Gas Sensor |
CMLX90614 | API for the MLX90614 Temperature Sensor |
CMMA7361 | API for the DFRobot MMA7361 Analog Accelerometer |
CMMA7455 | API for the MMA7455 Accelerometer |
CMMA7660 | API for the MMA7660 I2C 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer |
CMMA8X5X | API for the MMA8X5X Three-Axis Accelerometer |
Cmma8x5x_data_t | |
Cmma8x5x_params_t | |
►CMMC35240 | MMC35240 Tri-axis Magnetic Sensor API |
Ccompass_cal_t | |
Cfilter_average_t | |
CMoisture | API for the Moisture Sensor |
CMPL3115A2 | API for the MPL3115A2 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor |
CMPR121 | API for the MPR121 I2C Touch Sensor |
CMPU60X0 | API for the MPU60X0 3-axis Gyroscope and 3-axis Accelerometer |
CMPU9150 | API for MPU9150 chip (Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnetometer Sensor) |
CMPU9250 | API for MPU9250 chip (Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnetometer Sensor) |
CMQ2 | API for the MQ2 Gas Sensor |
CMQ3 | API for the MQ3 Gas Sensor |
CMQ303A | API for the MQ303A Alcohol Sensor |
CMQ4 | API for the MQ4 Gas Sensor |
CMQ5 | API for the MQ5 Gas Sensor |
CMQ6 | API for the MQ6 LPG Gas Sensor |
CMQ7 | API for the MQ7 CO Gas Sensor |
CMQ8 | API for the MQ8 Hydrogen (H2) Gas Sensor |
CMQ9 | API for the MQ9 Gas Sensor |
CMS5611 | |
CMS5803 | UPM API for the MS5803 Pressure and Temperature sensor |
CMY9221 | |
CNLGPIO16 | API for the NLGPIO16 16 channel USB GPIO Module |
CNMEAGPS | API for the NMEA GPS Module |
CNoteData | |
CNRF24L01 | API for the NRF24L01 Transceiver Module |
CNUNCHUCK | API for the Wii* Nunchuk controller |
CO2 | API for the Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor |
COTP538U | API for the OTP538U IR Temperature Sensor |
COZW | |
COZWDUMP | UPM Utility driver for OZW |
CozwInterface | UPM Interface API for OpenZWave (OZW) |
CP9813 | API for controlling P9813/Chainable RGB LEDs |
CPCA9685 | API for the PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED Controller |
CPN532 | API for the PN532 based NFC/RFID reader/writer |
CPPD42NS | API for the PPD42NS Dust Sensor |
CPulsensor | C++ API for the 3-Wire Pulse Sensor |
CRelay | API for the Relay |
►CRF22 | API for the RF22 Transceiver Module |
CModemConfig | Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers |
CRFR359F | API for the RFR359F-based Grove Distance Interrupter |
CRgbColor | |
CRGBRingCoder | API for the SparkFun* RGB RingCoder |
CRHUSB | UPM API for the Omega RH-USB Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
CRN2903 | API for the Microchip RN2903 LoRa radio |
CRotary | API for the Rotary Angle Sensor (Knob) |
CRotaryEncoder | API for the Grove Rotary Encoder |
CRPR220 | API for the RPR220-based Grove IR Reflective Sensor |
CRSC | Description for the RSC TruStability line |
CSCAM | API for the Serial Camera |
CServo | |
CSHT1X | SHT1X Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
CSI1132 | API for Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor |
CSI114X | API for the SI1145 UV Light Sensor |
CSI7005 | |
CSlide | API for the Slide Potentiometer |
CSM130 | API for the SM130 RFID Reader Module |
CSmartDrive | API for the SmartDrive advanced motor controller from OpenElectronis |
CSpeaker | API for the Speaker |
CSSD1306 | API for SSD1306 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
CSSD1308 | API for SSD1308 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
CSSD1327 | API for SSD1327 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
CSSD1351 | API for SSD1351 OLED displays |
CST7735 | API for the ST7735 LCD |
CStepMotor | API for the Stepper Motor |
CSX1276 | API for the SX1276 LoRa/FSK modem |
CSX6119 | API support for the SX6119-based Grove FM Receiver |
CT3311 | UPM API for the T3311 MODBUS Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
CT6713 | |
CT8100 | UPM API for the Amphenol Telaire Ventostat T8100 Ventilation Controller |
CTA12200 | API for the TA12-200 Current Transformer |
CTB7300 | Honeywell TB7300 Communicating Fan Coil Thermostat |
CTCA9548A | API TCA9548A Multiplexer Breakout |
CTCS3414CS | API for the TCS3414CS Color Sensor |
Ctcs3414sc_rgb_t | |
CTCS37727 | API for the TCS37727 Color Light-To-Digital Converter |
Ctcs37727_data_t | |
CTEAMS | API for the Veris TEAMS Temperature Transmitter |
CTemperature | API for NTC Temperature Sensors |
CTEX00 | API for the Veris TEX00 Temperature Sensor |
CTH02 | API for the TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
CTime3231 | |
CTM1637 | API for the TM1637 7-Segment Display |
CTMP006 | API for the TMP006 IR-Thermopile Sensor |
CTP401 | API for the TP401 Gas Sensor |
CTSL2561 | API for the TSL2561 Digital Light Sensor |
CTTP223 | API for the TTP223 Touch Sensor |
CTZEMT400 | UPM API for Trane TZEMT400 Z-Wave Thermostat |
CUARTAT | API for a Generic AT command based UART device |
CULN200XA | UPM module for the ULN200XA Darlington Stepper Driver |
CUltraSonic | API for Grove Ultrasonic Ranger |
CURM37 | API for the DFRobot URM37 Ultrasonic Ranger |
CVCAP | API for the Video Capture driver |
CVDiv | API for the Voltage Divider Sensor |
CVEML6070 | API for the Vishay VEML6070 UV Sensor |
CWater | API for the Water Sensor |
CWaterLevel | UPM module for the Grove Water Level Switch |
CWFS | API for the Water Flow Sensor |
CWheelEncoder | API for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder |
CWT5001 | API for the WT5001 Serial MP3 Module |
CXBee | API for the XBee modules |
CYG1006 | API for the YG1006 Flame Sensor |
CZFM20 | API for the ZFM-20 Fingerprint Sensor Module |
CzwNode | Node management for ozw |
C_a110x_context | |
C_abp_context | |
C_aci_packed_ | Structure for the ACI_CMD_SET_LOCAL_DATA ACI command parameters |
C_ad8232_context | |
C_apa102_context | |
C_bh1750_context | |
C_biss0001_context | |
C_bma250e_context | |
C_bmg160_context | |
C_bmi160_context | BMI160 3-axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and (optionally) a Magnetometer |
C_bmm150_context | |
C_bmp280_context | |
C_bmpx8x_context | |
C_bno055_context | |
C_button_context | API for the Button |
C_buzzer_context | |
C_cjq4435_context | |
C_collision_context | |
C_dfrec_context | |
C_dfrorp_context | |
C_dfrph_context | |
C_ds18b20_context | |
C_ds18b20_info_t | |
C_ecezo_context | |
C_emg_context | |
C_enc03r_context | |
C_es08a_context | |
C_es9257_context | |
C_flex_context | |
C_gp2y0a_context | |
C_gsr_context | |
C_guvas12d_context | |
C_hcsr04_context | |
C_hka5_context | |
C_hmc5883l_context | |
C_jhd1313m1_context | |
C_joystick12_context | |
C_lcdks_context | |
C_lcm1602_context | |
C_ldt0028_context | |
C_led_context | |
C_light_context | |
C_linefinder_context | |
C_lis2ds12_context | |
C_lm35_context | |
C_loudness_context | |
C_lsm303agr_context | |
C_lsm303d_context | |
C_lsm6ds3h_context | |
C_lsm6dsl_context | |
C_m24lr64e_context | |
C_mb704x_context | |
C_mcp2515_config | |
C_mcp2515_context | |
C_md_context | |
C_mic_context | |
C_mma7361_context | |
C_mma7660_context | |
C_moisture_context | |
C_mpr121_context | |
C_mq303a_context | |
C_mqx_context | |
C_ms5803_context | |
C_my9221_context | |
C_nmea_gps_context | |
C_nunchuck_context | |
C_o2_context | |
C_otp538u_context | |
C_p9813_context | |
C_ppd42ns_context | |
C_relay_context | |
C_rn2903_context | |
C_rotary_context | |
C_rotaryencoder_context | |
C_rpr220_context | |
C_rsc_context | |
C_sht1x_context | |
C_slide_context | |
C_speaker_context | |
C_temperature_context | |
C_tsl2561_context | |
C_ttp223_context | |
C_uartat_context | |
C_uln200xa_context | |
C_urm37_context | |
C_vdiv_context | |
C_veml6070_context | |
C_water_context | |
C_wfs_context | |
C_yg1006_context | |
Cclbk_data | |
CcommonBacObj_s | |
CdevObj_s | |
CFskBandwidth_t | |
Cims_context | |
Cmax30100_context | |
Cmax30100_value | |
CMCP2515_ID_T | |
CMCP2515_MSG_T | |
CMCP2515_PKT_T | |
CnoteData_t | |
Cobject_functions | |
Cppd42ns_dust_data | |
Cservices_pipe_type_mapping_t | |
CthresholdContext | |
Cuart_over_ble_t | State of the UART RTS over Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) |