upm  1.5.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.8.0)
Public Member Functions

API for the Grove Line Finder Sensor. More...

Detailed Description

UPM module for the Grove Line Finder sensor. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting black on a white background, or white on a black background.

// Instantiate a Grove Line Finder sensor on digital pin D2
// check every second for the presence of white detection
while (shouldRun) {
bool val = finder.whiteDetected();
if (val)
cout << "White detected." << endl;
cout << "Black detected." << endl;

Public Member Functions

 GroveLineFinder (int pin)
 ~GroveLineFinder ()
bool whiteDetected ()
bool blackDetected ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GroveLineFinder ( int  pin)

Grove Line Finder digital sensor constructor

pinDigital pin to use

GroveLineFinder destructor

Member Function Documentation

bool whiteDetected ( )

Determines whether white has been detected

True if white is detected
bool blackDetected ( )

Determines whether black has been detected

True if black is detected

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: