upm  1.5.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.8.0)
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

API for the LSM6DS3H 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope. More...

Detailed Description

The LSM6DS3H is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope performing at 1.1 mA (up to 1.6 kHz ODR) in high performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion experience for the consumer.

Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.

// Instantiate an LSM6DS3H using default I2C parameters
upm::LSM6DS3H sensor;
// For SPI, bus 0, you would pass -1 as the address, and a valid pin
// for CS: LSM6DS3H(0, -1, 10);
// now output data every 250 milliseconds
while (shouldRun) {
float x, y, z;
sensor.getAccelerometer(&x, &y, &z);
cout << "Accelerometer x: " << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << " g" << endl;
sensor.getGyroscope(&x, &y, &z);
cout << "Gyroscope x: " << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << " dps" << endl;
// we show both C and F for temperature
cout << "Compensation Temperature: " << sensor.getTemperature() << " C / "
<< sensor.getTemperature(true) << " F" << endl;
cout << endl;

Public Member Functions

 LSM6DS3H (int bus=LSM6DS3H_DEFAULT_I2C_BUS, int addr=LSM6DS3H_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR, int cs=-1)
virtual ~LSM6DS3H ()
void update ()
uint8_t getChipID ()
void getAccelerometer (float *x, float *y, float *z)
std::vector< float > getAccelerometer ()
void getGyroscope (float *x, float *y, float *z)
std::vector< float > getGyroscope ()
float getTemperature (bool fahrenheit=false)
void init (LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T acc_odr=LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_104HZ, LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T acc_fs=LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_2G, LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T gyr_odr=LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_104HZ, LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T gyr_fs=LSM6DS3H_G_FS_245DPS)
void reset ()
void setAccelerometerODR (LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T odr)
void setAccelerometerFullScale (LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T fs)
void setGyroscopeODR (LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T odr)
void setGyroscopeFullScale (LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T fs)
void setHighPerformance (bool enable)
void setInterruptActiveHigh (bool high)
void setInterruptPushPull (bool pp)
uint8_t getStatus ()
void installISR (LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T intr, int gpio, mraa::Edge level, void(*isr)(void *), void *arg)
void uninstallISR (LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T intr)
uint8_t readReg (uint8_t reg)
int readRegs (uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buffer, int len)
void writeReg (uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)

Protected Attributes

lsm6ds3h_context m_lsm6ds3h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

int  addr = LSM6DS3H_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR,
int  cs = -1 

LSM6DS3H constructor.

This device can support both I2C and SPI. For SPI, set the addr to -1, and specify a positive integer representing the Chip Select (CS) pin for the cs argument. If you are using a hardware CS pin (like edison with arduino breakout), then you can connect the proper pin to the hardware CS pin on your MCU and supply -1 for cs. The default operating mode is I2C.

busI2C or SPI bus to use
addrThe address for this device. -1 for SPI
csThe gpio pin to use for the SPI Chip Select. -1 for I2C or for SPI with a hardware controlled pin.
std::runtime_erroron initialization failure
~LSM6DS3H ( )

LSM6DS3H destructor

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void update ( void  )

Update the internal stored values from sensor data

std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint8_t getChipID ( )

Return the chip ID

The chip ID

Here is the call graph for this function:

void getAccelerometer ( float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  z 

Return accelerometer data in gravities. update() must have been called prior to calling this method.

xPointer to a floating point value that will have the current x component placed into it
yPointer to a floating point value that will have the current y component placed into it
zPointer to a floating point value that will have the current z component placed into it

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector< float > getAccelerometer ( )

Return accelerometer data in gravities in the form of a floating point vector. update() must have been called prior to calling this method.

A floating point vector containing x, y, and z in that order
void getGyroscope ( float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  z 

Return gyroscope data in degrees per second (DPS). update() must have been called prior to calling this method.

xPointer to a floating point value that will have the current x component placed into it
yPointer to a floating point value that will have the current y component placed into it
zPointer to a floating point value that will have the current z component placed into it

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector< float > getGyroscope ( )

Return gyroscope data in degrees per second in the form of a floating point vector. update() must have been called prior to calling this method.

A floating point vector containing x, y, and z in that order
float getTemperature ( bool  fahrenheit = false)

Return the current measured temperature. Note, this is not ambient temperature. update() must have been called prior to calling this method.

fahrenheittrue to return data in Fahrenheit, false for Celicus. Celsius is the default.
The temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit

Here is the call graph for this function:

void init ( LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T  acc_odr = LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_104HZ,
LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T  acc_fs = LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_2G,
LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T  gyr_odr = LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_104HZ,
LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T  gyr_fs = LSM6DS3H_G_FS_245DPS 

Initialize the device and start operation. This function is called from the constructor, so it will not need to be called by a user unless the device is reset. It sets the accelerometer and gyroscope ODR and FS modes, and enables BDU, register auto-increment, and high performance mode.

acc_odrOne of the LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T values
acc_fsOne of the LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T values
gyr_odrOne of the LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T values
gyr_fsOne of the LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T values
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void reset ( )

Reset the device as if during a power on reset. All configured values are lost when this happens. You should call init() afterwards, or at least perform the same initialization init() does before continuing.

std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setAccelerometerODR ( LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T  odr)

Set the output data rate (ODR) of the accelerometer

odrOne of the LSM6DS3H_XL_ODR_T values
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setAccelerometerFullScale ( LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T  fs)

Set the full scale (FS) of the accelerometer. This device supports a full scale of 2, 4, 8, and 16G.

fsOne of the LSM6DS3H_XL_FS_T values
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setGyroscopeODR ( LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T  odr)

Set the output data rate (ODR) of the gyroscope

odrOne of the LSM6DS3H_G_ODR_T values
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setGyroscopeFullScale ( LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T  fs)

Set the full scale (FS) of the gyroscope

fsOne of the LSM6DS3H_G_FS_T values
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setHighPerformance ( bool  enable)

Enable accelerometer and gyroscope high performance modes. These are further defined by the respective ODR settings to allow low power, and normal/high-performance modes. This is enabled by default in init().

enabletrue to enable high performance mode, false otherwise
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setInterruptActiveHigh ( bool  high)

Indicate whether the interrupt should be active high (default) or active low. See the datasheet for details.

hightrue for active high, false for active low
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setInterruptPushPull ( bool  pp)

Indicate whether interrupts are push-pull (default) or open drain. See the datasheet for details.

pptrue for push-pull, false for open-drain
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint8_t getStatus ( )

Return the contents of the status register

A bitmask of values from LSM6DS3H_STATUS_BITS_T

Here is the call graph for this function:

void installISR ( LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T  intr,
int  gpio,
mraa::Edge  level,
void(*)(void *)  isr,
void *  arg 

install an interrupt handler

intrOne of the LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T values specifying which interrupt pin you are installing
gpioGPIO pin to use as interrupt pin
levelThe interrupt trigger level (one of mraa::Edge values). Make sure that you have configured the interrupt pin properly for whatever level you choose.
isrThe interrupt handler, accepting a void * argument
argThe argument to pass the the interrupt handler
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void uninstallISR ( LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T  intr)

uninstall a previously installed interrupt handler

intrOne of the LSM6DS3H_INTERRUPT_PINS_T values specifying which interrupt pin you are removing

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint8_t readReg ( uint8_t  reg)

Read a register

regThe register to read
The value of the register

Here is the call graph for this function:

int readRegs ( uint8_t  reg,
uint8_t *  buffer,
int  len 

Read contiguous registers into a buffer

bufferThe buffer to store the results
lenThe number of registers to read
The number of bytes read
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

void writeReg ( uint8_t  reg,
uint8_t  val 

Write to a register

regThe register to write to
valThe value to write
std::runtime_erroron failure

Here is the call graph for this function:

Collaboration diagram for LSM6DS3H:
Collaboration graph

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: