Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.8.0)
Modules using the i2c bus. More...
Libraries | |
libupm-abp | |
libupm-adafruitms1438 | |
Adafruit Motor Shield 1438 library. | |
libupm-adafruitss | |
Adafruit PCA9685-based Servo Shield library. | |
libupm-adc121c021 | |
ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter library. | |
libupm-ads1x15 | |
ADS1X15 family adc library. | |
libupm-adxl345 | |
ADXL345 Accelerometer library. | |
libupm-am2315 | |
AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor library. | |
libupm-apds9930 | |
APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor library. | |
libupm-at42qt1070 | |
Atmel* AT42QT1070 QTouch* Sensor library. | |
libupm-bh1750 | |
DFRobot Light Sensor (BH1750) | |
libupm-bma220 | |
BMA220 Accelerometer library. | |
libupm-bma250e | |
Bosch 3-axis Accelerometer. | |
libupm-bmg160 | |
Bosch 3-axis Gyroscope. | |
libupm-bmi160 | |
BMI160 3-axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer. | |
libupm-bmm150 | |
Bosch 3-axis Magnetometer. | |
libupm-bmp280 | |
BMP280 Digital Pressure Sensor. | |
libupm-bmpx8x | |
Bosch BMP & GY65 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor librarypressure. | |
libupm-bmx055 | |
BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module. | |
libupm-bno055 | |
BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub. | |
libupm-ds1307 | |
DS1307 Real-Time Clock library. | |
libupm-ds1808lc | |
DS1808LC lighting controller library. | |
libupm-ecezo | |
API for the EC-EZO EC Sensor. | |
libupm-grovemd | |
Grove I2C Motor Driver library. | |
libupm-h3lis331dl | |
H3LIS331DL I2C Accelerometer (400g) library. | |
libupm-hdc1000 | |
HDC1000 Temperature and Humidity Sensor. | |
libupm-hmc5883l | |
HMC5883L Magnetometer library. | |
libupm-hp20x | |
HP20X I2C Barometer (High-Accuracy) library. | |
libupm-htu21d | |
HTU21D Humidity Sensor library. | |
libupm-ims | |
Catnip Electronics I2C moisture sensor. | |
libupm-itg3200 | |
ITG-3200 Gyroscope library. | |
libupm-jhd1313m1 | |
JHD1313M1 Display library. | |
libupm-kxcjk1013 | |
KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer. | |
libupm-l3gd20 | |
L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope. | |
libupm-i2clcd | |
I2C LCD Display library. | |
libupm-lcm1602 | |
LCM1602 Display library. | |
libupm-lidarlitev3 | |
LIDARLITEV3 Optical Distance Measurement Sensor library. | |
libupm-lis2ds12 | |
ST Micro 3-axis Accelerometer. | |
libupm-lp8860 | |
lp8860 LED lighting controller library | |
libupm-lsm303agr | |
ST Microelectronics Ultra-compact high-performance eCompass module. | |
libupm-lsm303d | |
ST Microelectronics Ultra-compact high-performance eCompass module. | |
libupm-lsm303dlh | |
LSM303DLH Accelerometer/Compass library. | |
libupm-lsm6ds3h | |
ST Micro 3-axis Accelerometer. | |
libupm-lsm6dsl | |
ST Micro 3-axis Accelerometer. | |
libupm-lsm9ds0 | |
LSM9DS0 accelerometer library. | |
libupm-m24lr64e | |
M24LR64E NFC Tag library. | |
libupm-mag3110 | |
MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer. | |
libupm-max30100 | |
Pulse oximeter and heart-rate sensor. | |
libupm-max44000 | |
MAX44000 Proximity Sensor library. | |
libupm-max44009 | |
max44009 ambient light sensor library | |
libupm-maxds3231m | |
MAXDS3231M Proximity Sensor library. | |
libupm-mb704x | |
API for the MB704x MaxSonar-WR Ultrasonic Ranger. | |
libupm-mcp9808 | |
MCP9808 precision temperature sensor library. | |
libupm-md | |
I2C Motor Driver library. | |
libupm-micsv89 | |
MICS-VZ89 environmental sensor library. | |
libupm-mlx90614 | |
MLX90614 Temperature Sensor library. | |
libupm-mma7455 | |
MMA7455 Accelerometer library. | |
libupm-mma7660 | |
MMA7660 I2C 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer library. | |
libupm-mma8x5x | |
MMA8X5X Three-Axis Accelerometer. | |
libupm-mmc35240 | |
MMC35240 Tri-axis Magnetic Sensor. | |
libupm-mpl3115a2 | |
MPL3115A2 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor library. | |
libupm-mpr121 | |
MPR121 Touch Sensor library. | |
libupm-mpu9150 | |
MPU9150 accelerometer library. | |
libupm-ms5611 | |
ms5611 Barometric Pressure Sensor library | |
libupm-ms5803 | |
MS5803 Pressure and Temperature sensor. | |
libupm-nunchuck | |
Wii Nunchuk library. | |
libupm-pca9685 | |
PCA9685 PWM Controller library. | |
libupm-pn532 | |
PN532 NFC/RFID reader/writer. | |
libupm-Si1132 | |
Si1132 UV and visible light sensor library. | |
libupm-si114x | |
SI1145 UV Light Sensor library. | |
libupm-si7005 | |
Si7005 digital I2C humidity and temperature sensor library. | |
libupm-smartdrive | |
SmartDrive library. | |
libupm-t6713 | |
Amphenol Telaire 6713 Series CO2 Module. | |
libupm-tca9548a | |
tca9548a multiplexer library | |
libupm-tcs3414cs | |
TCS3414CS Color Sensor library. | |
libupm-tcs37727 | |
TCS37727 Color Light-To-Digital Converter. | |
libupm-th02 | |
TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor library. | |
libupm-tmp006 | |
TMP006 Infrared-Thermopile Sensor. | |
libupm-tsl2561 | |
TSL2561 Digital Light Sensor library. | |
libupm-veml6070 | |