upm  1.5.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.8.0)
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API for the LCM1602 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays. More...

Detailed Description

This supports all sizes of HD44780 displays, from 16x2 to 4x20. The controller has no idea of the actual display hardware, so it lets you write farther than you can see. These displays with such controllers are available from various manufacturers with different I2C addresses. Adafruit* TC1602A-01T seems to be a well-documented example. The driver also supports parallel GPIO connections directly to the HD44780 in case you are not using an I2C expander/backpack.


Example for LCM1602 displays that use the I2C bus

upm::Lcm1602 lcd(0, 0x27);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.write("Hello World");

Code sample for GPIO based LCM1602 displays

// LCD connection:
// LCD RS pin to digital pin 8
// LCD Enable pin to digital pin 13
// LCD D4 pin to digital pin 2
// LCD D5 pin to digital pin 3
// LCD D6 pin to digital pin 4
// LCD D7 pin to digital pin 5
// LCD R/W pin to ground
// 10K trimmer potentiometer:
// ends to +5V and ground
// wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)
upm::Lcm1602 lcd(8, 13, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 2);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.write("Hello World");
lcd.setCursor(1, 2);
lcd.write("Hello World");
printf("Sleeping for 5 seconds\n");

Public Member Functions

 Lcm1602 (int bus=0, int address=0x27, bool isExpander=true, uint8_t numColumns=16, uint8_t numRows=2)
 Lcm1602 (int rs, int enable, int d0, int d1, int d2, int d3, uint8_t numColumns=16, uint8_t numRows=2)
 ~Lcm1602 ()
upm_result_t write (std::string msg)
upm_result_t setCursor (int row, int column)
upm_result_t clear ()
upm_result_t home ()
upm_result_t createChar (uint8_t charSlot, std::vector< uint8_t > charData)
upm_result_t displayOn ()
upm_result_t displayOff ()
upm_result_t cursorOn ()
upm_result_t cursorOff ()
upm_result_t cursorBlinkOn ()
upm_result_t cursorBlinkOff ()
upm_result_t backlightOn ()
upm_result_t backlightOff ()
upm_result_t scrollDisplayLeft ()
upm_result_t scrollDisplayRight ()
upm_result_t entryLeftToRight ()
upm_result_t entryRightToLeft ()
upm_result_t autoscrollOn ()
upm_result_t autoscrollOff ()

Protected Member Functions

upm_result_t command (uint8_t cmd)
upm_result_t data (uint8_t data)

Protected Attributes

lcm1602_context m_lcm1602

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Lcm1602 ( int  bus = 0,
int  address = 0x27,
bool  isExpander = true,
uint8_t  numColumns = 16,
uint8_t  numRows = 2 

Lcm1602 constructor; calls libmraa initialisation functions

busI2C bus to use. Default 0 (autodetect).
addressSlave address the LCD is registered on. Default 0x27
isExpanderTrue if we are dealing with an I2C expander, false otherwise. Default is true.
numColumnsNumber of columns the display has. Default 16.
numRowsNumber of rows the display has. Default 2.
Lcm1602 ( int  rs,
int  enable,
int  d0,
int  d1,
int  d2,
int  d3,
uint8_t  numColumns = 16,
uint8_t  numRows = 2 

Lcm1602 alternate constructor, used for GPIO based HD44780 controllers supporting RS, Enable, and 4 data pins in 4-bit mode.

rsRegister select pin
enableEnable pin
d0Data 0 pin
d1Data 1 pin
d2Data 2 pin
d3Data 3 pin
numColumnsNumber of columns the display has. Default 16.
numRowsNumber of rows the display has. Default 2.
~Lcm1602 ( )

Lcm1602 destructor

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

upm_result_t write ( std::string  msg)

Writes a string to the LCD

msgstd::string to write to the display; note: only ASCII characters are supported
Result of the operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t setCursor ( int  row,
int  column 

Sets the cursor to specified coordinates

rowRow to set the cursor to
columnColumn to set the cursor to
Result of the operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t clear ( )

Clears the display of all characters

Result of the operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t home ( )

Returns to the original coordinates (0,0)

Result of the operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t createChar ( uint8_t  charSlot,
std::vector< uint8_t >  charData 

Create a custom character

charSlotthe character slot to write, only 8 are available
charDataA vector containing 8 bytes making up the character
Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t displayOn ( )

Turn the display on

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t displayOff ( )

Turn the display off

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t cursorOn ( )

Turn the cursor on

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t cursorOff ( )

Turn the cursor off

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t cursorBlinkOn ( )

Turn cursor blink on

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t cursorBlinkOff ( )

Turn cursor blink off

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t backlightOn ( )

Turn backlight on

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t backlightOff ( )

Turn backlight off

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t scrollDisplayLeft ( )

Scroll the display left, without changing the character RAM

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t scrollDisplayRight ( )

Scroll the display right, without changing the character RAM

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t entryLeftToRight ( )

set the entry mode so that characters are added left to right

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t entryRightToLeft ( )

set the entry mode so that characters are added right to left

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t autoscrollOn ( )

Right justify text entered from the cursor

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

upm_result_t autoscrollOff ( )

Left justify text entered from the cursor

Result of operation

Here is the call graph for this function:

Collaboration diagram for Lcm1602:
Collaboration graph

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: