upm  0.2.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v0.6.1)
Public Member Functions

C++ API for the Grove Electromagnet. More...

Detailed Description

The Grove Electromagnet can hold up to 1 KG (approximately 2.2 lbs)

// The was tested with the Grove Electromagnetic Module
// Instantiate a Grove Electromagnet on digital pin D2
cout << "Starting up magnet...." << endl;
bool magnetState = false;
float time_passed = get_time();
// Turn magnet on and off every 5 seconds
while (shouldRun)
if ((get_time() - time_passed) > 5.0)
magnetState = !magnetState;
if (magnetState)
cout << "Turning magnet " << ((magnetState) ? "on" : "off") << endl;
time_passed = get_time();

Public Member Functions

 GroveElectromagnet (int pin)
 ~GroveElectromagnet ()
void on ()
void off ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GroveElectromagnet ( int  pin)

Grove Electromagnet Constructor

pindigital pin to use

Grove Electromagnet Destructor

Member Function Documentation

void on ( )

Turn magnet on

void off ( )

Turn magnet off

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: