upm  0.2.0
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v0.6.1)
Public Member Functions

C++ API for SSD1308 i2c controlled OLED displays. More...

Detailed Description

The SSD1308 is a 128x64 Dot matrix OLED/PLED segment driver with controller. This implementation was tested using the Grove LED 128×64 Display module which is an OLED monochrome display.

upm::SSD1308 *lcd = new upm::SSD1308(BUS_NUMBER, DEVICE_ADDRESS);
lcd->draw(intel_logo, 1024);
delete lcd;

Public Member Functions

 SSD1308 (int bus, int address=0x3C)
 ~SSD1308 ()
mraa_result_t draw (uint8_t *data, int bytes)
mraa_result_t write (std::string msg)
mraa_result_t setCursor (int row, int column)
mraa_result_t clear ()
mraa_result_t home ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from I2CLcd
 I2CLcd (int bus, int lcdAddress)
mraa_result_t write (int x, int y, std::string msg)
virtual mraa_result_t createChar (uint8_t charSlot, uint8_t charData[])
std::string name ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from I2CLcd
std::string m_name
int m_lcd_control_address
int m_bus
mraa::I2c m_i2c_lcd_control

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SSD1308 ( int  bus,
int  address = 0x3C 

SSD1308 Constructor, calls libmraa initialisation functions

busi2c bus to use
addressthe slave address the lcd is registered on

Here is the call graph for this function:

~SSD1308 ( )

SSD1308 Destructor

Member Function Documentation

mraa_result_t draw ( uint8_t *  data,
int  bytes 

Draw an image, see examples/python/make_oled_pic.py for an explanation on how the pixels are mapped to bytes

datathe buffer to read
bytesthe amount of bytes to read from the pointer
Result of operation
mraa_result_t write ( std::string  msg)

Write a string to LCD

msgThe std::string to write to display, note only ascii chars are supported
Result of operation

Implements I2CLcd.

mraa_result_t setCursor ( int  row,
int  column 

Set cursor to a coordinate

rowThe row to set cursor to
columnThe column to set cursor to
Result of operation

Implements I2CLcd.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mraa_result_t clear ( )

Clear display from characters

Result of operatio

Implements I2CLcd.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

mraa_result_t home ( )

Return to coordinate 0,0

Result of operation

Implements I2CLcd.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Inheritance diagram for SSD1308:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SSD1308:
Collaboration graph

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: