This module defines the interface for the ILI9341 display library
drawLine(160, 30, 200, 60, ILI9341_GREEN);
fillRect(20, 30, 75, 60, ILI9341_ORANGE);
drawTriangle(50, 100, 10, 140, 90, 140, ILI9341_YELLOW);
fillTriangle(150, 100, 110, 140, 190, 140, ILI9341_YELLOW);
for(int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5, ILI9341_WHITE);
delete lcd;
| ILI9341 (uint8_t csLCD, uint8_t csSD, uint8_t dc, uint8_t rst) |
std::string | name () |
void | initModule () |
void | configModule () |
void | setAddrWindow (uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1) |
void | drawPixel (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color) |
void | drawFastVLine (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawFastHLine (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color) |
void | fillRect (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | fillScreen (uint16_t color) |
void | setRotation (uint8_t r) |
void | invertDisplay (bool i) |
uint16_t | color565 (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) |
void | executeCMDList (const uint8_t *addr) |
void | writecommand (uint8_t c) |
void | writedata (uint8_t d) |
mraa::Result | lcdCSOn () |
mraa::Result | lcdCSOff () |
mraa::Result | sdCSOn () |
mraa::Result | sdCSOff () |
mraa::Result | dcHigh () |
mraa::Result | dcLow () |
mraa::Result | rstHigh () |
mraa::Result | rstLow () |
| GFX (int16_t w, int16_t h) |
virtual void | drawLine (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color) |
virtual void | drawRect (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawCircle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color) |
void | drawCircleHelper (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint16_t color) |
void | fillCircle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color) |
void | fillCircleHelper (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta, uint16_t color) |
void | drawTriangle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) |
void | fillTriangle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) |
void | drawRoundRect (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h, int16_t radius, uint16_t color) |
void | fillRoundRect (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h, int16_t radius, uint16_t color) |
void | drawChar (int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c, uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size) |
int16_t | getCursorX (void) const |
int16_t | getCursorY (void) const |
void | setCursor (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
void | setTextColor (uint16_t c) |
void | setTextColor (uint16_t c, uint16_t bg) |
void | setTextSize (uint8_t s) |
void | setTextWrap (bool w) |
uint8_t | getRotation (void) const |
void | setRotation (uint8_t r) |
void | cp437 (bool x) |
virtual void | write (uint8_t c) |
void | print (std::string msg) |
int16_t | width (void) const |
int16_t | height (void) const |
| GFX (int width, int height) |
| ~GFX () |
virtual void | refresh ()=0 |
void | drawChar (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t data, uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size) |
void | print (std::string msg) |
void | fillScreen (uint16_t color) |
void | fillRect (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawFastVLine (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawLine (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color) |
void | drawTriangle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) |
void | drawCircle (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t r, uint16_t color) |
void | setCursor (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
void | setTextColor (uint16_t textColor, uint16_t textBGColor) |
void | setTextSize (uint8_t size) |
void | setTextWrap (uint8_t wrap) |
| GFX (int width, int height, uint8_t *screenBuffer, const unsigned char *font) |
| ~GFX () |
virtual void | setAddrWindow (uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1)=0 |
virtual void | refresh ()=0 |
void | drawChar (int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t data, uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size) |
void | print (std::string msg) |
mraa::Result | setPixel (int x, int y, uint16_t color) |
void | fillScreen (uint16_t color) |
void | fillRect (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawFastVLine (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color) |
void | drawLine (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color) |
void | drawTriangle (int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) |
void | drawCircle (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t r, uint16_t color) |
void | setCursor (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
void | setTextColor (uint16_t textColor, uint16_t textBGColor) |
void | setTextSize (uint8_t size) |
void | setTextWrap (uint8_t wrap) |