Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.1.1)
upm | |
t6713_co2 | |
A110X | API for the A110X Hall Effect sensors |
AD8232 | UPM module for the AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor |
AdafruitMS1438 | API for the AdafruitMS1438 Motor Shield |
adafruitss | API for the Adafruit Servo Shield |
ADC121C021 | API for the ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADIS16448 | API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer |
ADS1015 | API for ADS1015 |
ADS1115 | API for ADS1115 |
ADS1X15 | |
ADXL335 | API for the ADXL335 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer |
Adxl345 | API for the ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer |
ADXRS610 | DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Beakout board |
AM2315 | API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
APA102 | API for controlling APA102/DotStar RGB LED Strips |
APDS9002 | UPM module for the APDS-9002 Luminance Sensor |
APDS9930 | APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor |
AT42QT1070 | API for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch Sensor |
BACNETUTIL | UPM Utility API for BACnet |
binaryData_t | |
multiStateData_t | |
BISS0001 | API for the BISS0001 Motion Sensor |
BMA220 | API for the BMA220 3-axis Accelerometer |
BMI160 | UPM API for the BMI160 3-axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer |
BME280 | API for the BME280 Digital Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature Sensor |
BMP280 | API for the BMP280 Digital Pressure Sensor |
BMPX8X | API for the GY65/BMP085 and BMP180 Atmospheric Pressure Sensors |
BMA250E | API for the BMA250E 10 bit Trixial Accelerometer |
BMC150 | API for the BMC150 6-axis eCompass |
BMG160 | API for the BMG160 16 bit Trixial Gyroscope |
BMI055 | API for the BMI055 6-axis Sensor Module |
BMM150 | API for the BMM150 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor |
BMX055 | API for the BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module |
BNO055 | API for the BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub |
Buzzer | API for the Buzzer component |
CJQ4435 | API for the CJQ4435 MOSFET |
IMUDataItem | |
CurieImu | |
CWLSXXA | API for the Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor Family |
DFRPH | API for the DFRobot pH Sensors |
DS1307 | API for the DS1307 Real-Time CLock |
DS1808LC | API for DS1808 Dual Log Digital Potentiometer as a Light Controller |
DS18B20 | API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor |
sensor_info_t | |
DS2413 | API for the DS2413 1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch |
E50HX | UPM API for the Veris E50HX Energy Meter |
ECS1030 | API for the ECS1030 Non-Invasive Current/Electricity Sensor |
ENC03R | API for the ENC03R Single Axis Analog Gyro |
Flex | API for the Spectra Symbol Flex Sensor |
Gas | |
MQ2 | API for the Grove MQ2 Gas Sensor |
MQ3 | API for the MQ3 Gas Sensor |
MQ4 | API for the DFRobot MQ4 Gas Sensor |
MQ5 | API for the MQ5 Gas Sensor |
MQ6 | API for the DFRobot MQ6 LPG Gas Sensor |
MQ7 | API for the DFRobot MQ7 CO Gas Sensor |
MQ8 | API for the DFRobot MQ8 Hydrogen (H2) Gas Sensor |
MQ9 | API for the MQ9 Gas Sensor |
TP401 | API for the Grove TP401 Air Quality Sensor |
GP2Y0A | API for the GP2Y0A family of IR Proximity Sensors |
Grove | |
GroveButton | API for the Grove Button |
GroveLed | API for the Grove LED |
GroveLight | API for the Grove Light Sensor |
GroveRelay | API for the Grove Relay |
GroveRotary | API for the Grove Rotary Angle Sensor (Knob) |
GroveSlide | API for the Grove Slide Potentiometer |
GroveTemp | API for the Grove Temperature Sensor |
GroveCollision | API for the Grove Collision Sensor |
GroveEHR | API for the Grove Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor |
GroveElDriver | API for the Grove EL Driver Module |
GroveElectromagnet | API for the Grove Electromagnet |
GroveEMG | API for the Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader |
GroveGPRS | API for the Grove GPRS Module |
GroveGSR | API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor |
GroveLineFinder | API for the Grove Line Finder Sensor |
GroveMD | API for the Grove I2C Motor Driver |
GroveMoisture | API for the Grove Moisture Sensor |
GroveO2 | API for the Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor |
GROVESCAM | API for the Grove Serial Camera |
NoteData | |
GroveSpeaker | API for the Grove Speaker |
GroveUltraSonic | API for Grove Ultrasonic Ranger |
GroveVDiv | API for the Grove Voltage Divider Sensor |
GroveWater | API for the Grove Water Sensor |
GroveWFS | API for the Grove Water Flow Sensor |
GUVAS12D | API for the GUVA-S12D UV Sensor |
H3LIS331DL | API for the H3LIS331DL-based Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (400g) |
H803X | UPM API for the Veris H803X Energy Meter |
HCSR04 | API for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor |
HDXXVXTA | API for the Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter |
HLG150H | API for HLG-150H Lighting Power Supply Controller |
HM11 | API for the HM-11 4.0 Bluetooth Low Energy Module |
Hmc5883l | API for the HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass |
HMTRP | API for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro transceiver |
HP20X | API for the HP20X-based Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy) |
HT9170 | API for the HT9170 DTMF Decoder |
HTU21D | API for the HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
HWXPXX | UPM API for the Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor |
HX711 | API for the HX711 Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ILI9341 | API for the ILI9342 LCd |
GFX | GFX helper class |
INA132 | API for the INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor |
ISD1820 | API support for the ISD1820-based Grove Voice Recorder |
Itg3200 | API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope |
Joystick12 | API for the ElecFreaks* Joystick v 1.2-1.4 Breakout |
KXCJK1013 | KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer API |
L298 | API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver |
L3GD20 | L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope API |
filter_median_t | |
gyro_cal_t | |
EBOLED | API for EBOLED spi controlled OLED display |
Jhd1313m1 | API for the JHD1313M1 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays with an RGB backlight, such as a Grove RGB I2C LCD display |
LCD | |
Lcm1602 | API for the LCM1602 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays |
SAINSMARTKS | API for Sainsmart LCD Keypad Shield |
SSD1306 | API for SSD1306 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
SSD1308 | API for SSD1308 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
SSD1327 | API for SSD1327 I2C-controlled OLED displays |
LDT0028 | API for LDT0-028 PZT film-based sensors, such as a Grove Piezo Vibration sensor |
LM35 | API for the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor |
LoL | API for the Olimex LoL array |
Loudness | API for the Loudness Sensor |
LP8860 | API for LP8860 LED Lighting Controller |
LPD8806 | API for the LPD8806 RGB LED Strip Controller |
LSM303 | API for the LSM303 Accelerometer & Compass |
LSM9DS0 | API for the LSM9DS0 3-axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, and Magnetometer |
M24LR64E | C++ API for the M24LR64E-based Grove NFC Tag |
MAX31723 | API for the MAX31723 Temperature Sensor |
MAX31855 | API for the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier |
MAX44000 | API for the MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor |
MAX44009 | C++ API for MAX44009 chip (Ambient Light Sensor) |
MAX5487 | API for the MAX5487 SPI Digital Potentiometer |
Time3231 | |
MAXDS3231M | API for the MAXDS3231M I2C Real-Time Clock |
MAXSONAREZ | API for the LV-MaxSonar-EZ Family of Ultrasonic Rangers |
MCP9808 | API for MCP9808 precision temprature sensor |
MG811 | API for the DFRobot CO2 Sensor |
MHZ16 | API support for the Grove CO2 sensor |
Microphone | API for the Analog Microphone |
MICSV89 | API for the MICS-VZ89 Gas Sensor |
MLX90614 | API for the MLX90614 Temperature Sensor |
accelData | |
MMA7455 | API for the MMA7455 Accelerometer |
MMA7660 | API for the MMA7660 I2C 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer |
MPL3115A2 | API for the MPL3115A2 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor |
MPR121 | API for the MPR121 I2C Touch Sensor |
AK8975 | API for the AK8975 magnetometer |
MPU60X0 | API for the MPU60X0 3-axis Gyroscope and 3-axis Accelerometer |
MPU9150 | API for MPU9150 chip (Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnometer Sensor) |
MPU9250 | API for MPU9250 chip (Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnometer Sensor) |
MQ303A | API for the MQ303A Alcohol Sensor |
MS5611 | |
GroveCircularLED | API for the Grove Circular LED module |
GroveLEDBar | API for Grove LED Bars base on the MY9221 |
MY9221 | |
NLGPIO16 | API for the NLGPIO16 16 channel USB GPIO Module |
NRF24L01 | API for the NRF24L01 Transceiver Module |
NUNCHUCK | API for the Wii* Nunchuk controller |
OTP538U | API for the OTP538U IR Temperature Sensor |
AeotecDSB09104 | UPM API for Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen 1 |
AeotecDW2E | UPM API for Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 2nd Edition |
AeotecSDG2 | UPM API for Aeotec Smart Dimmer Gen 2 |
AeotecSS6 | UPM API for Aeotec Smart Switch 6 |
OZW | |
OZWDUMP | UPM Utility driver for OZW |
ozwInterface | UPM Interface API for OpenZWave (OZW) |
TZEMT400 | UPM API for Trane TZEMT400 Z-Wave Thermostat |
zwNode | Node management for ozw |
PCA9685 | API for the PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED Controller |
PN532 | API for the PN532 based NFC/RFID reader/writer |
dustData | |
PPD42NS | API for the PPD42NS Dust Sensor |
Pulsensor | C++ API for the 3-Wire Pulse Sensor |
RFR359F | API for the RFR359F-based Grove Distance Interrupter |
RGBRingCoder | API for the SparkFun* RGB RingCoder |
RHUSB | UPM API for the Omega RH-USB Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
RotaryEncoder | API for the Grove Rotary Encoder |
RPR220 | API for the RPR220-based Grove IR Reflective Sensor |
ES08A | API for the ES08A Servo |
ES9257 | API for the ES9257 Servo |
Servo | |
SI1132 | API for Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor |
SI114X | API for the SI1145 UV Light Sensor |
SI7005 | |
SM130 | API for the SM130 RFID Reader Module |
SmartDrive | API for the SmartDrive advanced motor controller from OpenElectronis |
SSD1351 | API for SSD1351 OLED displays |
ST7735 | API for the ST7735 LCD |
StepMotor | API for the Stepper Motor |
SX1276 | API for the SX1276 LoRa/FSK modem |
SX6119 | API support for the SX6119-based Grove FM Receiver |
T3311 | UPM API for the T3311 MODBUS Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
T6713 | |
T8100 | UPM API for the Amphenol Telaire Ventostat T8100 Ventilation Controller |
TA12200 | API for the TA12-200 Current Transformer |
TB7300 | Honeywell TB7300 Communicating Fan Coil Thermostat |
tcs3414sc_rgb_t | |
TCS3414CS | API for the TCS3414CS Color Sensor |
TEAMS | API for the Veris TEAMS Temperature Transmitter |
TEX00 | API for the Veris TEX00 Temperature Sensor |
TH02 | API for the TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor |
TM1637 | API for the TM1637 7-Segment Display |
TSL2561 | API for the TSL2561 Digital Light Sensor |
TTP223 | API for the TTP223 Touch Sensor |
Ublox6 | API for the U-BLOX 6 and SIM28 GPS Modules |
ULN200XA | UPM module for the ULN200XA Darlington Stepper Driver |
IADC | Interface for ADC Sensors |
ICO2Sensor | Interface for CO Sensor |
IHumiditySensor | Interface for Humidity Sensors |
ILightController | ILightController Interface for Light Controllers |
ILightSensor | ILightSensor Interface for Light Sensors |
IModuleStatus | |
IPressureSensor | Interface for Pressue Sensors |
ITemperatureSensor | Interface for Temperature Sensors |
URM37 | API for the DFRobot URM37 Ultrasonic Ranger |
VCAP | API for the Video Capture driver |
WaterLevel | UPM module for the Grove Water Level Switch |
WheelEncoder | API for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder |
WT5001 | API for the WT5001 Serial MP3 Module |
XBee | API for the XBee modules |
YG1006 | API for the YG1006 Flame Sensor |
ZFM20 | API for the ZFM-20 Fingerprint Sensor Module |
_aci_packed_ | Structure for the ACI_CMD_SET_LOCAL_DATA ACI command parameters |
clbk_data | |
commonBacObj_s | |
devObj_s | |
FskBandwidth_t | |
object_functions | |
services_pipe_type_mapping_t | |
thresholdContext | |
uart_over_ble_t | State of the UART RTS over Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) |