This sensor is used to measure water flow in liters per minute (LPM). It incorporates a Hall Effect sensor. The UPM module defines an interrupt routine to be triggered on each low pulse, keeping count. This device requires a 10K pull-up resistor for the signal line (yellow wire). There is a schematic diagram on the SeeedStudio site (3/2015):
However, be careful when wiring this up - the schematic appears to have a bug in it: the lower left connection of the signal line (yellow) to Vcc (red) should not be there. The sensor can work with this connection, but probably not for very long.
while (shouldRun) {
uint32_t millis = flow.getMillis();
uint32_t flowCount = flow.flowCounter();
float fr = flow.flowRate();
cout << "Millis: " << millis << " Flow Count: " << flowCount;
cout << " Flow Rate: " << fr << " LPM" << endl;