upm  0.7.1
Sensor/Actuator repository for libmraa (v1.0.0)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oC_aci_packed_Structure for the ACI_CMD_SET_LOCAL_DATA ACI command parameters
oCA110XAPI for the A110X Hall Effect sensors
oCAD8232UPM module for the AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor
oCAdafruitMS1438API for the AdafruitMS1438 Motor Shield
oCadafruitssAPI for the Adafruit Servo Shield
oCADC121C021API for the ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter
oCADIS16448API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer
oCADXL335API for the ADXL335 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer
oCAdxl345API for the ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
oCADXRS610DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Beakout board
oCAK8975API for the AK8975 magnetometer
oCAM2315API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
oCAPA102API for controlling APA102/DotStar RGB LED Strips
oCAPDS9002UPM module for the APDS-9002 Luminance Sensor
oCAPDS9930APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor
oCAT42QT1070API for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch Sensor
oCBISS0001API for the BISS0001 Motion Sensor
oCBMA220API for the BMA220 3-axis Accelerometer
oCBMA250EAPI for the BMA250E 10 bit Trixial Accelerometer
oCBMC150API for the BMC150 6-axis eCompass
oCBMG160API for the BMG160 16 bit Trixial Gyroscope
oCBMI055API for the BMI055 6-axis Sensor Module
oCBMI160UPM API for the BMI160 3-axis Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer
oCBMM150API for the BMM150 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor
oCBMX055API for the BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module
oCBNO055API for the BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub
oCBuzzerAPI for the Buzzer component
oCCJQ4435API for the CJQ4435 MOSFET
oCCWLSXXAAPI for the Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor Family
oCDFRPHAPI for the DFRobot pH Sensors
oCDS1307API for the DS1307 Real-Time CLock
oCDS18B20API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor
oCDS2413API for the DS2413 1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch
oCECS1030API for the ECS1030 Non-Invasive Current/Electricity Sensor
oCENC03RAPI for the ENC03R Single Axis Analog Gyro
oCFlexAPI for the Spectra Symbol Flex Sensor
oCGFXGFX helper class
oCGP2Y0AAPI for the GP2Y0A family of IR Proximity Sensors
oCGroveCollisionAPI for the Grove Collision Sensor
oCGroveEHRAPI for the Grove Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor
oCGroveElDriverAPI for the Grove EL Driver Module
oCGroveElectromagnetAPI for the Grove Electromagnet
oCGroveEMGAPI for the Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader
oCGroveGPRSAPI for the Grove GPRS Module
oCGroveGSRAPI for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor
oCGroveLineFinderAPI for the Grove Line Finder Sensor
oCGroveMDAPI for the Grove I2C Motor Driver
oCGroveMoistureAPI for the Grove Moisture Sensor
oCGroveO2API for the Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor
oCGROVESCAMAPI for the Grove Serial Camera
oCGroveSpeakerAPI for the Grove Speaker
oCGroveUltraSonicAPI for Grove Ultrasonic Ranger
oCGroveVDivAPI for the Grove Voltage Divider Sensor
oCGroveWaterAPI for the Grove Water Sensor
oCGroveWFSAPI for the Grove Water Flow Sensor
oCGUVAS12DAPI for the GUVA-S12D UV Sensor
oCH3LIS331DLAPI for the H3LIS331DL-based Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (400g)
oCH803XUPM API for the Veris H803X Energy Meter
oCHCSR04API for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
oCHDXXVXTAAPI for the Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter
oCHM11API for the HM-11 4.0 Bluetooth Low Energy Module
oCHmc5883lAPI for the HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass
oCHMTRPAPI for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro transceiver
oCHP20XAPI for the HP20X-based Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy)
oCHT9170API for the HT9170 DTMF Decoder
oCHTU21DAPI for the HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor
oCHWXPXXUPM API for the Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor
oCHX711API for the HX711 Analog-to-Digital Converter
oCINA132API for the INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor
oCISD1820API support for the ISD1820-based Grove Voice Recorder
oCItg3200API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope
oCJoystick12API for the ElecFreaks* Joystick v 1.2-1.4 Breakout
oCKXCJK1013KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer API
oCL298API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
oCL3GD20L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope API
oCLDT0028API for LDT0-028 PZT film-based sensors, such as a Grove Piezo Vibration sensor
oCLM35API for the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor
oCLoLAPI for the Olimex LoL array
oCLoudnessAPI for the Loudness Sensor
oCLPD8806API for the LPD8806 RGB LED Strip Controller
oCLSM303API for the LSM303 Accelerometer & Compass
oCLSM9DS0API for the LSM9DS0 3-axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, and Magnetometer
oCM24LR64EC++ API for the M24LR64E-based Grove NFC Tag
oCMAX31723API for the MAX31723 Temperature Sensor
oCMAX31855API for the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier
oCMAX44000API for the MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor
oCMAX5487API for the MAX5487 SPI Digital Potentiometer
oCMAXDS3231MAPI for the MAXDS3231M I2C Real-Time Clock
oCMAXSONAREZAPI for the LV-MaxSonar-EZ Family of Ultrasonic Rangers
oCMCP9808API for MCP9808 precision temprature sensor
oCMG811API for the DFRobot CO2 Sensor
oCMHZ16API support for the Grove CO2 sensor
oCMicrophoneAPI for the Analog Microphone
oCMICSV89API for the MICS-VZ89 Gas Sensor
oCMLX90614API for the MLX90614 Temperature Sensor
oCMMA7455API for the MMA7455 Accelerometer
oCMMA7660API for the MMA7660 I2C 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
oCMPL3115A2API for the MPL3115A2 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
oCMPR121API for the MPR121 I2C Touch Sensor
oCMPU60X0API for the MPU60X0 3-axis Gyroscope and 3-axis Accelerometer
oCMQ303AAPI for the MQ303A Alcohol Sensor
oCNLGPIO16API for the NLGPIO16 16 channel USB GPIO Module
oCNRF24L01API for the NRF24L01 Transceiver Module
oCNUNCHUCKAPI for the Wii* Nunchuk controller
oCOTP538UAPI for the OTP538U IR Temperature Sensor
oCPCA9685API for the PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED Controller
oCPN532API for the PN532 based NFC/RFID reader/writer
oCPPD42NSAPI for the PPD42NS Dust Sensor
oCPulsensorC++ API for the 3-Wire Pulse Sensor
oCRFR359FAPI for the RFR359F-based Grove Distance Interrupter
oCRGBRingCoderAPI for the SparkFun* RGB RingCoder
oCRHUSBUPM API for the Omega RH-USB Temperature and Humidity Sensor
oCRotaryEncoderAPI for the Grove Rotary Encoder
oCRPR220API for the RPR220-based Grove IR Reflective Sensor
oCSI114XAPI for the SI1145 UV Light Sensor
oCSM130API for the SM130 RFID Reader Module
oCSmartDriveAPI for the SmartDrive advanced motor controller from OpenElectronis
oCStepMotorAPI for the Stepper Motor
oCSX1276API for the SX1276 LoRa/FSK modem
oCSX6119API support for the SX6119-based Grove FM Receiver
oCT3311UPM API for the T3311 MODBUS Temperature and Humidity Sensor
oCTA12200API for the TA12-200 Current Transformer
oCTCS3414CSAPI for the TCS3414CS Color Sensor
oCTEAMSAPI for the Veris TEAMS Temperature Transmitter
oCTEX00API for the Veris TEX00 Temperature Sensor
oCTH02API for the TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
oCTM1637API for the TM1637 7-Segment Display
oCTSL2561API for the TSL2561 Digital Light Sensor
oCTTP223API for the TTP223 Touch Sensor
oCuart_over_ble_tState of the UART RTS over Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)
oCUblox6API for the U-BLOX 6 and SIM28 GPS Modules
oCULN200XAUPM module for the ULN200XA Darlington Stepper Driver
oCURM37API for the DFRobot URM37 Ultrasonic Ranger
oCVCAPAPI for the Video Capture driver
oCWaterLevelUPM module for the Grove Water Level Switch
oCWheelEncoderAPI for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder
oCWT5001API for the WT5001 Serial MP3 Module
oCXBeeAPI for the XBee modules
oCYG1006API for the YG1006 Flame Sensor
oCZFM20API for the ZFM-20 Fingerprint Sensor Module