- Global DS18B20::init ()
- This method is deprecated. It's functionality is handled in the constructor now.
- Module grove
- This library is now deprecated and replaced by individual libraries for every sensor.
- Class GroveButton
This class is being replaced by the upm-button library and the Button class.
- Class GroveCollision
This class is being replaced by Collision
- Module grovecollision
- This library is being replaced by libupm-collision
- Class GroveEHR
This class is being replaced by EHR
- Module groveehr
- This library is being replaced by libupm-ehr
- Module groveeldriver
- This library is being replaced by libupm-eldriver
- Class GroveElDriver
This class is being replaced by ElDriver
- Module groveelectromagnet
- This library is being replaced by libupm-electromagnet
- Class GroveElectromagnet
This class is being replaced by Electromagnet
- Module groveemg
- This library is being replaced by libupm-emg
- Class GroveEMG
This class is being replaced by EMG
- Class GroveGPRS
This class is being replaced by GPRS
- Module grovegprs
- This library is being replaced by libupm-gprs
- Class GroveGSR
This class is being replaced by GSR
- Module grovegsr
- This library is being replaced by libupm-gsr
- Class GroveLed
This class is being replaced by the upm-led library and the Led class.
- Class GroveLight
This class is being replaced by the upm-light library and the Light class.
- Class GroveLineFinder
This class is being replaced by LineFinder
- Module grovelinefinder
- This library is being replaced by libupm-linefinder
- Module grovemd
- This library is being replaced by libupm-md
- Class GroveMD
This class is being replaced by MD
- Module grovemoisture
- This library is being replaced by libupm-moisture
- Class GroveMoisture
This class is being replaced by Moisture
- Module groveo2
- This library is being replaced by libupm-o2
- Class GroveO2
This class is being replaced by O2
- Class GroveRelay
This class is being replaced by the upm-relay library and the Relay class.
- Class GroveRotary
This class is being replaced by the upm-rotary library and the Rotary class.
This class is being replaced by SCAM
- Module grovescam
- This library is being replaced by libupm-scam
- Class GroveSlide
This class is being replaced by the upm-slide library and the Slide class.
- Class GroveSpeaker
This class is being replaced by Speaker
- Module grovespeaker
- This library is being replaced by libupm-speaker
- Class GroveTemp
This class is being replaced by the upm-temperature library and the Temperature class.
- Module groveultrasonic
- This library is being replaced by libupm-ultrasonic
- Class GroveUltraSonic
This class is being replaced by UltraSonic
- Module grovevdiv
- This library is being replaced by libupm-vdiv
- Class GroveVDiv
This class is being replaced by VDiv
- Module grovewater
- This library is being replaced by libupm-water
- Class GroveWater
This class is being replaced by Water
- Class GroveWFS
This class is being replaced by WFS
- Module grovewfs
- This library is being replaced by libupm-wfs
- Global GUVAS12D::value (float aref, unsigned int samples)
- This method is being replaced by the volts() and illumination() methods.
- Global LCDKS::getRawKeyValue ()
- This function is deprecated. Use getKeyValue() instead.
- Global Light::raw_value ()
- This function is deprecated use getNormalized() instead.